Wednesday 30 December 2020

From LeeH - The Chamber of Darkness - Greyscale Adventurer with Lamp

I knew when I read the description for this room, exactly what I wanted to do, but I didn't know if I could pull it off. I've never painted greyscale before but I really enjoyed working on this figure. I've also never tried to paint lighting effects before so this figure was a double challenge for me. I may do some more like this in future, I'm sure I could improve on the technique with a little practice. 

The figure is a Northstar plastic figure for Frostgrave that I prepped for last years Challenge but never got round to starting. Nine (eventful) months later and, seemingly in the blink of an eye, its back on my desk demanding to be painted. Once again I'm trying to make as many of the bonus round figures usable on the games table (as opposed to being display figures only) and have based this as per my Frostgrave theme. 

As for points scoring it ought to be straightforward but I understand the inclusion of the lighting effect means this isn't 100% greyscale. I'm happy to accept a points deduction if this is deemed outside the brief, I know I'm pushing my luck a bit here. 😉

(Scoring: 1x28mm Foot + CoC Bonus = 25 points)


  1. Good work Lee, love the eerie green lighting.

  2. lovely, the lighting worked great

  3. Excellent brushwork Lee! I'd be adding extra points not taking them away!

  4. Great post and interesting imaginative idea with the lantern lighting effect ... plus one for extra imagination points? Cheers Jez

  5. Some excellent lighting and greyscale effects Lee!

  6. Excellent greyscale figure and ace lighting effect!
    Best Iain

  7. That's terrific work Lee, wish I could match those lighting effects! Keep practicing...

  8. Great painting, Lee. 'Greyscale' is hard enough, but greyscale and object source lighting is really going above and beyond! Really nicely done, especially for a first attempt. Top marks, Sir!

  9. Lovely that Lee, love the additional angle with the lantern, cool as mate.
    Regards KenR

  10. I like him a lot, the light effect is well.. pretty effective!
