Friday 8 January 2021

From DrQ: a Famous Brewer in the Gallery of Ancestors (25 points)

From the time the map was revealed there was no doubt in my mind as to the entry for the Gallery of Ancestors: Jakkob Bugmansson XI.

GW's fluff for this 2020 limited release reads:

The duardin. The myth. The legend. In times long past, the name of Bugman was a byword for quality amongst the people of the world-that-was, a brewsmith capable of producing the very best beverages the dwarves had to offer. Now, in the Age of Sigmar, another has risen to take his mantle – the Kharadron known as Jakkob Bugmansson XI!

Joseph Bugman was of course the legendary brewmaster in the old Warhammer Fantasy game—one of the first named sculpts in all of GW. As such distant descendent in Age of Sigmar seemed a fitting entry.

I tried to paint Jakkob in a similar style to my Kharadron Overlords, though with more silver and brass and less of the blue. There was an option to have him without helmet, but to be honest I don't particularly like the sculpt of his face (not a long enough beard for my taste). 

I plan on running our beloved brewer as an Aetheric-Navigator hero in my Khardron army. While some may argue that he would make more sense as an Aether-Khemist, I think that his upturned tankard is clearly pointing the way to victory. 

As far as points: five for the model and another twenty for the area bonus comes to a total of 25. 

On to the Armoury where we will inevitably find that a good offense is the best defense (and has a lot of dakka dakka). 


  1. Excellent work! that Metal work is exquisis.

    1. Thanks much! I seemed to stumble upon a recipe that works pretty well with my shiny bois.

  2. Lovely work. Cheers Jakob! I know that the best navigation decisions are made over a tankard of ale.

    1. Very few things seem more dwarven in my mind!

  3. Awesome - could of been in the Pit and the Pendulum room with that axe! Cheers Jez

  4. Very nicely done! The metal on the barrel especially looks excellent on the photos. Also quite like the visible beer level in the sight glass. Now you really need to paint a companion for him to check that beer level regularly

    1. Thanks! That beer level turned out to be the hardest bit on the model.

  5. Splendid work on the descendant of Josef.

    1. Thank you. Now if we could just a new release of the White Dwarf himself for the Kharadron...

  6. Really nice work on the model.

  7. A wonderful model - too bad it's for Age of Stinkmar... ;P

  8. Great brushwork on this figure. He looks outstanding.

  9. Splendid dwarf brew master! Metal work is ace!
    Best Iain

  10. Great painting! It looks like a "steam punk" figure!

  11. A fantastic paintjob on a great figure. Those tankards hanging under the barrel! He doesn't really look the sharing type though.
