Friday 8 January 2021

From MikeF - The Gallery of Ancestors -Warhammer 40K Servo-skulls - 23 points

 This entire level of the challenge I'll be painting models for a Kill Team Inquisitor warband. I wasn't sure how to incorporate  models from the far future into ancestry at first, but while rummaging through my bits box, I managed to find some servo-skulls! These are from Games Workshops Inquisitor game. The models are larger scale (I think 54mm), but the servo-skulls actually look pretty good for 28mm. In the fluff, the servo-skull contains the brain of a person. It is then equipped with some kind of engine or anti-grav unit and finally has all kinds of useful tools/weapons bolted on to it. I suppose it's the 40k equivalent of a predator drone, but without the abomination of slaving a human consciousness to it.

I imagine that all kinds of people can be turned into servo skulls, but most are probably heretics and criminals. My Inquisitor uses several in her warband and they're primarily derived form her...warband. When one of her Acolytes die, they are interred in servo skull so they can continue the honor of serving their lord. The Inquisitor maintains close ties to the families of her Acolytes as a means of establishing loyalty to her. As such, many of the skulls she uses may be relatives of her current Acolytes. 

From left to right: Great grandpa George, first cousin Marty and creepy uncle Steve.

I love the flying gun!

The models are pretty basic so scored them at 1 point each for a total of 23 points.


  1. Very nice work and indeed a clever way to master the Gallery of Ancestors.

  2. Oh yes! If Skully McSkullface had tear ducts they’d be welling up. Three very fine skullz, sir.

  3. Excellent take on the theme. 'Inquisitor'! Now, that takes me back.

  4. Great work on these and a clever idea for the chamber.

  5. Great looking trio of servo skulls!
    Best Iain

  6. A severed skull floating around would get my attention 😄
    Regards KenR
