Sunday 28 February 2021

From MartinC Some Randoms and a Proof of Concept (95 pts)

 Some i've been clearing some space for the home run. WW1 finished (that's lie), Vietnam finished (also a lie), ACW (spot a trend here).

So these are a few randoms that were cluttering up the desk

3 mid medieval longbow men (Crusader from a lucky bag)

Nice to paint and will add to my Templar collection

One of the 1st films I ever saw on the cinema was "At the Earth's Core" in about 1976. Proper old school romp. These 3 figs from Antediluvian Miniatures and are Peter Cushing, Doug McClure (you will know him from such films as.....) and the pneumatic Caroline Munroe - a go to damsel if the main acting role was being barely dressed (see also The Golden Voyage of Sinbad).

Next up some Chinese civilians, these are great figures from Tsuba miniatures and will be useful from Boxer rebellion to Chinatown gangster games

I particularly like the guy selling pushalong toys

And now to the next part. We all have collection of buildings that occupy more space than our soldiers. They fall into 2 categories. Beautiful and massive set piece buildings, see Miles' Stalingrad posts. THen are are houses, they look nice, provide scenery and obstacles. But we often don't fight in them and they are the backdrop. I have loads of these and they occupy tonnes of space. I need the space back so I had an idea

So I made a standard 2 storey building, think brownstone or Uk terraced house

THis one has a flat roof and pasted on brick with doors and windows made from mdf bases. Instead of glueing it all together the roof is slot in and the walls are joined with gaffer tape. Which means

If you take the roof off it folds flat! I can now fit every basic building I need into a tiny space. I added corner stones to obscure the corners If you want sloping roof then simple add gable ends. Make it posh with cut out windows and doors, a much better paint job and even annexes.
I think I've invented a thing.


16 x 28mm figs = 85
2 x hand carts = 5pts (not hard to do)
1 pop up building = 1/4 cube when erected = 5pts.

Right off to make a better house


  1. Lovely archers, characters and Chinese civilians and the thing is a great idea!
    Best Iain

  2. Fold flat buildings, that's awesome! Storage for all things miniature is the bane of all of our existance.

  3. The house idea is a great one. I've tried to save space on basic buildings by making them so they can be stored inside each other. Works up to a point, but your idea is probably a better one!

    1. Ta, upstairs for thinking, downstairs for dancing

  4. Ahh, Caroline Munroe...

    Sorry, I was caught in a pubescent reverie there. ;)

    Lovely work Martin. Loved that film as a boy. I think you're onto something with those buildings. I sense a kickstarter in your future. :)

  5. I remember her well. Went with my cousins from the Solomon islands. I do know a printer

  6. Another classic MartinC assortment. I like the fold up house idea.
