Sunday 28 February 2021

From Curt: More Pig-Faced Orcs! (With More Oink!) (34 Points)

The Orc's Pit. 

Well, as I promised from my first post of the Challenge, here are two classic Pig-Faced Orcs to join their venerable Minifig forebear.

These models are from Otherworld Miniatures. I think they're brilliant. They manage to convey the old school design of early D&D, while also possessing a contemporary grittiness about them. I'm really looking forward to doing more. The big fella with the flail is 'Chieftain FoulTusk', while the other, with the fancy snouted helm, is his Champion, 'BadBoi'.

I wanted to try a flaking paint effect on their shields, but I'm not entirely convinced. The yellow is not horrible, but I shouldn't have used red for the other one as it simply looks like it's spattered with gore (not entirely out of character, but not what I wanted).  I'll give it another try when I get a resupply from Otherworld.

Also, in the spirit of terrain amortisation, I have them stomping around in some of my kickstarter-acquired Dwarven Forge Cavern tiles (whose cost, by the look of their website, is almost equivalent in their weight in gold). I hope to be using these more as I just picked up 'Otherworld Fantasy Skirmish' and the 'Thud & Blunder' rules to try some dungeon adventuring.

As to points? Well, the chamber bonus gives me 20, the two lads are around 40mm tall, that'll  give me 14 points for them, so that gives me 34 points total. 

Now, after taking off my socks and mittens to do the math, I believe this entry will pip me past my goal of 800 points. Hooray!! I think I'm going to open a bottle to celebrate!

Okay, I have to get back to level 3 as I want try for the Laboratory, so off I go to dig for another female model for the Sorceress...

- Curt


  1. Some lovely classic Orkses Curt. They are also vaguely reminiscent of the ones featured in the Dungeons and Dragons cartoon series! Very nostalgic indeed.

    1. Thanks Sander. I never saw that cartoon series. I wonder if it's on YouTube? I'll have to go check it out.

    2. It is:

    3. Haha! Excellent, thanks!

  2. Great looking orcs with a nice monster manual vibe,I quite like the red shield to be honest!
    Best Iain

    1. Cheers Iain. Yes, they definitely have that classic Monster Manual feel about them. In fact many of the castings look like they've stepped from the pages of that fabled book.

  3. Those look fantastic, Curt. Congratulations on hitting your target too.

  4. Congrats on exceeding your target Curt! I love the nose armour on the one fellow, one must protect one's snout! I actually like the red shield slightly more, but an interest effect overall to try and replicate. Well done!

    1. Thanks Jeremy. I agree the 'snout guard' is very entertaining. I'm glad folks are liking the red shield as I was not sure mayself. Now, another 4 or 5 and we'll have enough for a little dungeon scrum. :)

  5. Excellent work on bringing to life the old classic Orcs Curt!


    1. Thanks Christopher! They're pure nostalgia for me to paint - takes me back to the early 80s.

  6. What a classic look, great work dude.

  7. Cracking figures, that snouted helm is the absolute business! The skin tones are really well done.

    1. Thanks Jamie. I went through a few iterations of possible skin tones until I settled with this one.

  8. Those are just snorky dorky awesome Curt. Love the pig snout helmet.

  9. I quite like the gore-spattered shield effect!

    1. Grrr. It's supposed to be peeling paint! But thank you. :)

  10. They look fabulous as ever my friend! Oink!
