Thursday 18 February 2021

It IS Thursday!!!!!!


Happy Thursday, Challengeanistas!  I hope the dawning of this glorious new Thursday finds you and yours well and looking forward to an exciting day on new hobby submissions.  We are just about 2/3rds of the way through Challenge XI and you know what that means?  Yes, that's right, another statistical update on our progress.  SPOILER ALERT: it will be AWESOME!

The last 4 weeks of the Challenge usual sees and 20-25% uptick in level of activity as the pressure of any form of deadline generates a pavlovian response in all of us.  Personally, I'm closing in on the major things I wanted to get done during this Challenge - I've got a few more 15mm Russian troops to finish up for Stalingrad and some scenery tweaks but after that I think its on to other projects like finishing up the last bits of my 6mm Russo-Japanese War project.  I also got a shipping confirmation from Peter at Baccus that my 6mm Successor and Dacian army orders have been dispatched from merry ole England.  They may arrive in time for this challenge also.  

How are the rest of you fairing relative to your own expectations for the Challenge?  Anyone entering a response below in the comments will be eligible for a drawing and could receive a fantastic prize *

I guess I should address my shameful absence from my duties last Thursday.  Last week was rather busy, what with repairs to my flooded basement and some work stuff and blah, blah, blah.  The core issue is that I failed to prioritize the importance of this holy undertaking, this 11th Pigment Crusade over such lesser things as personal real estate or my professional and fiduciary responsibilities to my co-investors.  It was a grave error in judgment for which there is no excuse.  I can only plead for your forgiveness.  Consider me pleaded!

Let us never speak of this abominable abandonment again. 

* Terms and conditions apply.  The designation of a prize is solely the authors decisions and could be material object or an immaterial form of reward like a happy thought directed in the way of the prize winner.


  1. I guess we can forgive you, Miles. Sounds like you had a rough week of it.
    I've plenty more figures planned, but they're all time consuming - Napoleonics and the like - so I think I'm not going to be completing huge numbers from now on. But I may get second wind and try to give you a run for your money!

  2. Hang in there Miles. A dispatch from the Pope grants you clemency. Life sometimes pushes minis aside, one just has to get back to it. I’ve found another batch of forgotten figures to put in the paint line.
    Thanks for the motivation.

  3. Take your loved ones and move to higher ground Miles. All is forgiven and forgotten until at least the second glass of wine.

  4. Hope the repair work is going OK. I of course, will be missing my target. For some reason the hospital seems to think I have work to do during a global pandemic......

  5. Have a great day Minioning Miles! Don't worry, I have a nefarious punishment planned for you for you going AWOL last week. I know, the torture of waiting is half the fun. ;) As to myself, I'm not doing too bad in marching to my goal. I have three major submissions (well, 'major' for me) that I'd like to get done. If I can have a couple good weeks of hobbying then I think I'll be in a good spot.

  6. I'm at 700 points to a goal of 1000 so I am feeling pretty good.

  7. I love it when you say "fiduciary" in that tone of voice.

  8. Good luck with all the works going on mate! If you add today's points to my total I will superceed Curt so that will make my day even if I am still far away of my target ;-)

    1. Crushing Curt in anyway is always a good thing. Your Larder entry earned an extra 5 points because we all know Arthur is doing most of the work!

    2. Cheers Miles much appreciated!

  9. Pigment crusaders! Snowlord vult!
