Wednesday 10 March 2021

From LeeH - Angry Nuns and Onion Johnnies

A couple of days ago my long-suffering wife passed by my Operations Room and asked me what I was working on. I showed her my newly acquired 15mm nuns and there was a barely perceptible rolling of the eyes... I can't blame her, sometimes I look at what I'm painting and wonder what the hell I'm doing! 

As with last weeks civilians these models are all from Peter Pig. They don't really have any game value except as interesting vignettes on the edge of a demo game but I wasn't going to let that stop me. First up we have several angry-looking nuns in fearsome headgear. A couple look like they are going to hit the Germans over the head, although the jury is out on whether they are wielding two-by-fours or baguettes! 

Then there are three men pushing wheelbarrows. Nice simple models to paint and because the contents of the barrow could be farm equipment or personal items, I can either use these in the fields or with my refugees. 

Finally, there are three Breton Onion Johnnies in the traditional blue and white striped jumpers and bedecked in strings of strong-smelling onions. I have visions of using these as the perfect spies, cycling around watching everything and being roundly avoided by the Germans because of the smell!

(Scoring: 8x15mm Foot + 6x15mm 'Mounted' = 40 points)

Great characters - Nice job Lee
Cap'n Wednesday


  1. Entertaining post Lee. I’m expecting one of the onion Johnnies to tell me he’s LeClerc!

  2. Excellent models and writeup!

  3. Oh man, great stuff. I had no idea these figures existed!

  4. The most frightening force of this challenge by far -- great stuff!

  5. Listen very carefully Lee will say this only once....

  6. Lovely looking civilians! Mind you the nuns could easily be German paratroopers in disguise!
    Best Iain

  7. What fun and they look great!

  8. Smart work Lee, extras like these always add to the gaming ambience.

  9. Wonderful batch of figures! Well done for the striped top!
