Monday 31 January 2022

From Mike W - 28mm Zombies #4 and Survivors (130 Points)

At the risk of getting boring, I'm still plugging away at my zombie horde, but light is at the end of the tunnel, this week sees the end of my collection of Zombicide figures. 

A cross section of the latest Zombies in the horde, centre is a ballerina,
flanked by two walkers on the left and two runners on the right

Next week I'll move on to the first of some Warlords Project Z figures and some other generic odds and ends figures in my collection waiting to be painted, another 50+ figures, that I'll split these into a couple of posts, then hopefully I'm done. Well maybe - I'll still keep an eye out for a few character figures as they become available

Another group with a Zombie bride, second from left

By way of variety this post also includes a few Survivors, again these are Zombicide figures. Now whilst I love their Zombie figures, in my opinion the jury is still out on their Survivors. Mainly because I have very few of them and their expense is discouraging me from getting more. What I do like is that for most Survivors you can also get a Zombie version of the figure, in case they fall to the deathly curse....

The third set of zombies, just four here! Second left is an old lady with her cats.
Both lady and cats are now zombies

So this Zombie batch has a number of Fatties in it that by their nature are bigger models and I have thus been spending more time on completing these to a standard that I'm happy with. There is also the Abomination group of five individual figures, on one base - any resemblance to a well known 1970s Disco group is purely intentional!

Two Fatties, left a girl in a unicorn Onesy - which was really fun to paint and right a Wrestler

Each figure was given a white undercoat, skin tomes applied as previously described and clothing added as appropriate.

Rear view of the Fatties

Various washes were used to add grime, shading and blood splatter for such a gruesome group, before basing  on a relatively plain grey concrete sidewalk.

A good view of the Biker, the Cop, the Cowboy and the Construction Worker

The Soldier with the Construction worker behind

Another view, I assume Felipe Rose (the Native American)had already
'Gone West' when the band fell prey to the Zombie scourge

The 'Greenwich Crew' Abomination was difficult to get completed, the figures are so intertwined and the model is supplied as is, so painting one guy almost always meant causing problems on one of the others. Of course it didn't help that I wanted to be 'Historically Accurate' in their outfits and when I checked the internet for reference material, a lot of it was contradictory...

Five survivors, albeit two are the same model painted differently!
I usually avoid green bases but here they denote living game pieces - easy to spot at a glance

I settled on what can be seen...

I've counted the abomination as 5 individual figures, hopefully everyone will feel that this is fair.


26 x 28mm Foot Figures = 130 Points

Just like COVID there appears to be no end to Mike's Zombie hordes.  More wacky figures in this lot.  Personal faves are the Village People, the girl in the Unicorn suit and best of all the Zombie crazy cat lady.


  1. 'Macho, macho, Z!! I've got to be a Macho Z!'

    Love em. Well done Mike!

  2. Hi Mike:
    Your zombies continue to impress - and revolt, which I think is your goal! I’m pretty sure I officiated at a wedding with a zombie bride once. 😏
    Cheers, MikeP

  3. Lol love the Village People zombies- brilliant!

  4. Good to see that there are some survivors as well! :)

  5. More great zeds, Mike! :)

    Although it wasn't until I saw the labels at the end that I knew it was you - you forgot to put your name in the post title! ;)

    1. Oops! Sorry - My Bad. Will double check for post completeness this week.
