Saturday 5 February 2022

From PeterB: A mighty dragon - (40 points)

A quick additional post dropped in as I have just finished this beast. Not part of my original plan for the challenge, so I had to build and undercoat this too. This is a new release from a company called Dungeons and Lazers. I bought mine from Bad Squiddo Games just after Christmas and had a real blast putting the plastic kit together. The parts fit really snugly together as long as you tidy up the sprue connections properly and it was a real joy to paint. It was a real pain to photograph however, I really couldn't get a decent shot to show off all the highlighting I did.

When I am painting a large model like this I like to do a bit of preparation work first before deciding on a colour scheme. I wanted to do a real classic red dragon, but I wasn't sure on the specific colours and highlights. I always delve into my scraps box and do some tester paint ups on something similar when in doubt. In the summer I like to go to the carboot sales and I always seem to grab a box of unloved Warhammer plastics at some point, so these GW hormagaunts were perfect for my test washes.

I eventually settled on a Coat D'arms blood red, with a GW Baal Red wash, then some Coat D'arms golden yellow mixed with red for some progressive highlighting. Some of the darker parts also had some Agrax shade.

So quick points add up;

  • Dragon in 28mm scale 20 points
  • 4 x 28mm scale hormagaunts 20 points

Total 40 points.

From Millsy:

What a cracker of a dragon Peter! Great choice of colour IMHO, dragons will always be red in my mind before any other colour after the Basic D&D box set cover art. Great brushwork mate.



  1. That is a great dragon! You’ve done a great job bringing out all the intricate details!

  2. Great work on this big wyrm! I’d been eyeing these on the BS site. I like the practice figures too, even if I’ve no idea what they are!

  3. Lovely looking dragon, the vibrant red colour suits it nicely.

  4. That's great and as a Welshman I agree that the proper colour for a dragon is flaming red :-)

  5. Hi Peter:
    I love the dragon but his frayed and tattered wings make me feel quite protective of him (her?). That dragon needs some TLC. It needed good painting and you came through!
    Cheers, MikeP

  6. Awesome looking dragon and hormagaunts!
    Best Iain

  7. Good looking dragon, it really did paid to have those test minis!
