Sunday 25 December 2022

ChrisW It's a wonderful life? [Under construction] [45 points]


George wishing everyone a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

A very slow start for me this year, illness and snow clearing seems to have worn me down a bit. Also my ability to get stuck in and get things done is just not there. It was all I could do just to get these few figures done really never felt the mojo.

The story line in my mind, and my elevator pitch, is; George questions the value of his existence as Mary harangues him over his latest get rich quick scheme, while his kids Zu Zu and George junior stand by mom and Aunt Lucy and a news boy lurk near by.

All Pulp Alley figures, all base coated with contrast paints, then painted 'properly' as I did not like the contrast results.

Now the under construction aspect of this post, it is aunt Lucy. She came as part of the figure pack that included 'Mary' and the kids, but I always had her earmarked for this group:

She always struck me as looking like Bob Hope when he dresses up as his Aunt to haunt either himself or Bing. So now she is finally painted and with the road gang!

So I figure the points as follows:

  • 20    Under construction Studio 
  • 25    4 x 28mm figures + 2 kid figures for another 5 points.

Total of 45 points

Have a great holiday season everyone!


First, very nice colourization of the Challenge Studios map - well done!

I like your storyline, Chris, especially the Bob Hope sidebar (now I can never unsee it...).

Even though you may have not felt the painting mojo, and maybe it was the dry run with the Contrast paints, but these characters look terrific (the baby particularly creeps me out). Bob Murch does such characterful figures, eh? I hope your tour of duty with the shovel comes to an end soon, but I regret to say that we may be in for a long snowy stretch this year.

Nonetheless, Merry Christmas! I hope we get to see more from your talented brush in the New Year, Chris!

- Curt


  1. I hope you get your mojo back soon, Chris! Snow will melt away eventually...

    1. Thanks! It's slowly coming back, going for low hanging fruit right now to get back in the groove.

  2. Very original entry! I hope your ecovr your mojo soon too

    1. Thank you, it will only get more eclectic from here.

  3. A very nice group of figures, they should inspire you as much as me!

  4. Characterful bunch there Chris!

    1. Thanks, Pulp Figures do have a lot of personality.

  5. Good stuff. Keep plugging away and the grove will come. Cheers.

  6. Wonderful Christmas Day entry - and I hope you get your mojo back soon. I think The Slump hits all of us from time to time - for some reason my reaction to it is to buy more minis, while not really wanting to paint them. Not sure that's healthy...

  7. Those are all wonderful, Chris! I have just been using contrast as a tool for blocking colors and sometimes glazing. My trouble with them are that some are gloss and others matte. Still they speed things along and the white contrast is just brilliant stuff!
