Sunday 25 December 2022

From PeteF: Two Orcish Girls - Under Construction (34 points)


You can count - there are three orc-y women on this base.  The middle one was a test figure that got painted a few weeks ago - making this one of the many units I could enter for the Under Construction studio.  I did not prepare well for the challenge and still have a lot of half- or a bit painted stuff on the Pile of Potential. 


This unit is for Kings of War - my favourite wargame at the moment.  It's a rank and flank fantasy mass battle game.  The largest units, Legions, can have 60 models (standard 28mm size infantry).  These are "Large Infantry" and measure 40mm foot to eye - and 3 Large Infantry make a Regiment.  These are for a faction called the Varangur - evil folk from the North.


The models are 3D prints that I got as prize support at a Kings of War tournament.  One of the guys who runs tournaments in Seattle is a prolific and talented printer and always gives away a ton of models at his tournies.  I like the dynamic poses - not sure about the clothing or lack of it for fighting folk.


I used Army Painter Speed paints for the flesh, hair, wood and fur.  To give the armour a purply tinge I used diluted contrast paint over VMC silver.  I'm using the tartan pattern across the whole Varangur army and their counterpart - the Northern Alliance - which I'm also building.


Two 40mm foot for 7 points each and a 20 point bonus for the Under Construction studio comes to 34 points for my first entry in Challenge XIII.  I'm planning to hit a lot of the studios for the best chance of hitting the points target - I started a new job in October and don't have as much time as I'd like to paint or play.

Below are a few pictures of my chaotic work space and the Shelf of Shame/Pile of Potential - Good Luck everyone and Merry Christmas (or whatever holiday you celebrate)!

The main desk - the turkey baster I can explain.

One of the "helpers"

The Shelf of Shame

Ospreys - you can't have too many.  Can you?


Welcome back to the Challenge, Pete!

What a 'lovely' trio of Orcish lasses. They don't look too delicate, do they. Perhaps it's the big, honkin' axes that give them that butch look. Yeeash. Byron treated me to a 10mm game of Kings of War a few weeks ago and I had a great time. Fun, simple rules, meant to fill the IP suicide of Warhammer Fantasy, and they do it well!

Yes, no one can never have too many Ospreys, or, er, turkey basters(?!).

Have a great Christmas, Pete!

- Curt


  1. Good looking tartans, Pete! I spent lots of time zooming the pictures just to see all the details. :D

  2. Nice job on these, especially the tartan! :)

    1. Thanks Tamsin - I like painting it - but it never seems to get any easier.

  3. Awesonly ugly, as should be for orcs. Seeing from the back they remind me the Kardashian sisters (I don't know if you get insporation from thse ladies) XD

    1. Yes - they certainly make the rocking world go round

  4. Didn’t know there was such a thing as orc girls, but you have done a great job on them! Nice models and excellent painting, Pete.

  5. Love the skintones there.. really works nicely!

    1. Courtesy one coat of AP Crusader skin and just a small amount of highlighting with various flesh tones. Thanks!

  6. They’re a flashback to the 70s with their clothing choices! Well done.

    1. Those were the days. Fighting in chainmail bikinis but never getting injured.

  7. Pretty ladies, Steve! Excellent work on them including the tartans....I will succeed in painting tartan plaid someday! ;)
