Saturday 10 December 2022

From Paul and Reilly: Showdown at the OG Corral

As ever, the onrush of the Christmas season is proceeded by the exhilarating bow-wave of another AHPC! Our Dad and Lad challenge continues this year for my 9th season and Reilly's 4th.

Preparations are in full swing at the OG Man Cave, but focused on construct and undercoat vice clean and tidy. Since Ms Man Cave moved out of the nest last year, we have requisitioned converted her old bedroom into our hobby lair which allows to paint and chat together (when I am in the country at anyway). Organisation is more a state of mind anyway, but we do shuffle things around randomly to reduce the risk of spontaneous combustion and drive eachother mad. And after having to keep things rather ship shape at work, a bit of creative chaos is welcome :-)

Our ferocious war puppies Odin (left) and Loki (right) will keep us company throughout

We are currently engaged in energised discussion regarding our AHPC Project list.  The somewhat dynamic to-do list currently includes is a pair of new Dungeon Bowl teams, some Horus Heresy figures, new units for my Wars of the Roses army, Necromunda goodies, and the curiously addictive madness that is Turnip28...

Having initially mocked me without mercy, Alan has now also succumbed to the root and proceeded down the Turnip path - so T28 challenge of sludgy misery will be a bit of fun!

As ever, its great to be back and I'm looking forward to the fun, inspiration and banter :-)


  1. Haha! Fabulous stuff Paul. I like your to-do roster, especially your plans for Turnip28.

  2. Some great projects coming up from you two! :)

  3. Looking forward to seeing how this all progresses, especially the Horus Heresy bits! Been working on it quite a bit this year so far and hoping to get a fair bit of it accomplished here if I can!

  4. Best wishes, I'm going to wear PPE while looking at your Turnip 28 stuff in case its infectious!

  5. Have a great challenge. Looking forward to inter generational warfare.

  6. Cool, I'm minioning you both so get ready

  7. Have a great Challenge, both of you. I'm looking forward to your contributions, the WOTR stuff should be fun!

  8. Challenge Ho, have a great one.

  9. Forward and upward! Happy Challenge

  10. OMG this Turnip thing seems to be very contagious! Always fun to see you during the AHPC - The OG-Boys ride again!

  11. Sounds like you have a nice mix of projects to keep you both busy.

  12. Best of luck guys on the challenge, great stuff as a team look forward to your completed works.

