Thursday 26 January 2023

From AndrewB: More corny Star Wars! (Western)(70pts)

More of the goofy Star Wars this week!   In the same vein as my previously semi-absurd Star Wars posts, with Darth Brooks and his pair of speeders, I have more reasons why the story is set in a galaxy ‘far, far away’.  These guys are in a sort of ‘Space Western’ setting, but instead of an Ennio Morricone 1870s western feel, it’s a George Straight 1990s feel.  

First, we have a pair of delightful named characters!  On the left, we have Darth Brooks’ ace speeder pilot buddy Day’el ‘The Intimidator’ whose black number 3 speeder is routinely seen zipping around the surface.  On the right, we have Keni Rojas(weird pronunciation), Brooks’ perpetual Gambler friend. His wisdom and decision making prowess is legendary, he always knows when to walk away!

Next up, a rival speeder pilot, yet unnamed(pun block, I suppose), who represents a huge chemical conglomerate, and his lackies.  He’s constantly proving a rival and damn heroes competitor to Day’el, and his garish choice in costuming and speeder color leads the common folk to either love or despise him. 

I’m not sure what sort of species his lackies are designed to be, but I painted their odd facial structure like fu Manchus, so they fit the theme pretty well.  I’m not sure if I’m entirely happy with the colors, but they’ll hopefully grow on me once I have a speeder painted for them.  

Next up, a fireteam of ‘shore troopers’ on their well-earned leisure time!  These guys are just goofy and fun to paint, so enjoy!  

I have no recollection of where I found these .STLs, but would be tickled pink if there were more floating around somewhere.  Their APC will be coming soon, in a truly Western US fashion, so stay tuned! 

These fellows should get 50pts for 10 28mm miniatures, as well as 20pts for the challenge room.  A total of 70!

Lastly, a group photo! And my challenge progress!  

From TeemuL: Ah, the shore troopers, the latest fan favourites, I guess. Who needs any vegetable warriors from Turnips, when there are some serious wargaming minis available? The lackies sure are colourful, which might make them hard to enjoy at the beginning, but I'm sure you get used to them. The two named characters are great, is the background somehow official or have just generated it by yourself?


  1. Those models are hilarious! I think I know who the chemical conglomerate rival is... gotta be the infamous Reff Jordon!!!

  2. Brilliantly bonkers models, Andrew! :)

  3. The Shore Troopers are great! Can't wait to see their transporter.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Absolutely hilarious! Well done!. My only advice is to paint the bases in lighter colours, that makes the models stand out more. I'd apply a dry-brush layer with Iraki Sand

  6. Wait? Shore Troopers? That is hilarious! Great work there.. but something tells me that they still wouldn't hit the water if they dove into a pool... not sure why... :D

  7. Love the guy in the yellow duckie ring

  8. Love the shore troopers, they're all great!
    Best Iain

  9. Great set of minis. The shore troopers are fantastic.

  10. That’s quite hilarious! I love those Shore Troopers, now they only need some beach babes to rescue I suppose?

  11. Lol, stormtrooper with the wading Duck is hilarious, you need one in a life vest. “Life vests save lives”

