Tuesday 10 January 2023

From SimonG: The Dwarf, The Giant and The Priest - Three More Studio Stops (102 points)

Well it has been a very busy week here in East Kent with the tires on our studio buggy squealing as we rocket around the back lot. After our first session in black and white last week we've hitched a ride in Lady Sarah's limousine courtesy of Kehli the dwarf adventuress from Descent -- Legends Of The Dark.

I really enjoyed working on this figure -- well nigh perfect casting and great characterisation. Apologies for those that know the original as I did this all free hand without any references beyond a set of hairstyle images!  Clearly Kehli spends some of her loot down the stylist 😉

Macro photography is pretty harsh on your painting and I had to go back and retouch the eyes and the nose ring (the red thing on the right side of her nose!) several times, and I'm not sure if these photos actually show the final result -- still well worth the effort given the quality of this nice figure.

Next Stop - High Adventure

Lady Sarah's limousine drops us off in the wild mountains of Uzbekistan where we're visiting with Fay Wray. It's a little known fact that after her early success with Mr Kong, Fay had a long and successful career as a crypto-zoologist tracking down cryptids all over the globe.  Today we see her with her cameraman on an expedition in the 1940s interviewing the last remaining Titan, Belorossus!

This is actually a combination of one Wargames Foundry 28mm Medieval civilian and a 10mm Red3 cold war reporter crew which was supplied as a freebie when I ordered some vehicles. I submit that this may be the smallest female figure submitted in this cycle and hope Lady Sarah enjoys what I did with her!

Obviously basing needed some thought when you are dealing with this diversity in scales -- I am enjoying how the challenge is making me practise a variety of new skills and different presentations.

Caelum Expectet

Our final stop for today is the set of a historical drama, a medieval romp called "Let Heaven Wait". On set today is the lead Toby the handsome herdsman as he leds his prize bull to market.

As you can see there's a priest busy trying to save souls but it seems that most are too hard working to listen and worry about their eternal rest! The figures are a mix of the aforementioned Wargames Foundry plus a figure or two from FrontRank (which may be where the ox came from as well). There's been some modest conversion to put the priest on a box, add some burdens to two of the figures and so on.

I enjoyed some of the details in painting this up -- especially the differences between markings on oxen versus horses and the slop details on the bald front figure. Basing included a custom made slab of cobbles made of modelling clay finished with a roller plus two cow pats and a dog 💩!

So my tour round the studio so far has included three stops which today yield me 102 points

  • One 28mm figure and 20point Lady Sarah bonus = 25points
  • One 28mm and two 10mm figures plus 20 point High Adventure bonus = 27 points
  •  Six 28mm figures and 20 point Historical Drama bonus = 50 points

After all of this studio nonsense it's finally down to some real wargames figures next week with a batch of Roman Legionnaires for my Jewish Wars project -- look forward to sharing them with you next week.

Technical Note: After my previous focus stacking program (Focus Stacker) seemed to stop working I've switched to HeliconFocus which so far is giving great results with the trial version. I'm trying to avoid having to purchase PhotoShop! I use a Nikkor AF-S 105mm 1:2.8G ED lens and process on a MacBook Pro.


Using a 28mm figure as a giant for 10mm? Brilliant idea! Nice work all round, Simon.



  1. Great work, loving the forced perspective and figure scale games on the Giant. That wagon scene is aces.

    1. Thanks Peter I was wondering what I could do with those two 10mm figures and this worked out well

  2. Terrific and varied entry, Simon! Kehli's hair is fab and I love the Fay Wray diorama (great use of varied scales). Looking forward to your upcoming Jewish Revolt entry!

    1. Thanks Curt. Lots of uniforms to paint which can get boring but must plug on, and the big scenery build awaits

  3. You can tell you enjoyed that

    1. Especially moulding dog do in 1:56 scale!

  4. absolutely brilliant, love the Fay Wray figs

    1. Thanks Martin, I Figured that fellow looked more like a mythical giant than a real person anyways

  5. That's brilliant Simon, the story telling is great

    1. Thanks. Good to let the imagination run free sometimes 😃

  6. Fay Wray is terrific! The trick with the perspective is great, at least on photos. I first thought it is 28mm scale with a big giant and people were just blurred because out of focus.

    1. It’s actually only a 20x40 base but built up about 25mm high, and macro lenses do have absurdly limited depth of focus hence the bokeh. The first and third posted pictures of the giant are actually focus stacked to increase the depth of field

  7. My favourite has to be the bull

    1. Thanks Ian, I should have given him some more close up time with his big eyes 👀

  8. The dwarf is ace, and both little dioramas are fantastic. I really love the reporter idea, fabulous!

    1. Thanks so much Martijn, three different ideas that came out well

  9. Loving the medieval scene the most. Well done


    1. Thanks Matt, I guess I can use the, as set dressing for my HYW table top. Otherwise they’re just cluttering up the place 🤪

  10. Great detail on the dwarf, but the rest of your works are outstanding too

    1. Thanks Benito, I’m really impressed by the casting on that Descent figure, makes painting a pleasure and I’m looking forward to the other Descent sculpts I’ve got lined up

  11. Great post and painting - thanks
    Cheers JezT

    1. Thanks for your kind words Jez, much appreciated

  12. Splendid mixed entry, lovely figures!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. Lots of variety here, unfortunately this week it’s all Roman uniforms - so all the same but at least you can churn them out

  13. Super cool! Love the Giant & Fay Wray

    1. Thanks for that. Unfortunately the figure has no eyes nor nose, I did try to sketch them in but that made her look like a freaky scarecrow! Other manufacturers manage to get these into 10mm faces so I feel this is a bit of a missed opportunity

  14. Replies
    1. Thanks Barks. It was supposed to be an ombré look but seems I left a band of darker blue in between the greens. Doh!

  15. The 28mm Giant talking to the reporter (threatening the reporter?) is brilliant. Great work on the dwarf. Taking the pictures is hard.

    1. I think he’s a friendly giant! Still working on my macro photography - maybe I should invest in some better lighting 🤨
