Thursday 28 December 2023

From KyleC - Winter Viking (25pts)

So a bit of a massive shift from the Death Guard tanks... but here's a slowly freezing viking model by Loot Studios. 

A few buddies from Turkey are planning a painting jam on this model. Was offered a chance to paint it up also so this was my vision. 

However I wanted to give snow and cold a shot as I have a fairly massive Space puppy army for Horus Heresy. And they will have snow on their bases so this was a great trial model to see how it works. 

It's a fairly standard model,.and straightforward as it's just one piece altogether. Making some parts of the model harder to paint than others. 

I referenced Roman Lappats Snow and Ice PDF for how to do the snow, and took the make the base blue too far it seems. But that's part of the learning phase and still gave me a very cold feeling (something I am feeling right now in our attic). 

I did my best to incorporate the blue cold reflection on his clothing and shield. While also adding specks of snow on his clothing. 

In the end.. a good palette cleanser before tackling a ton of LI infantry.. and a fun little exercise to trial snow and cold colors. Can't wait to trial this across an entire army! 

Being a single 32mm model that's a whopping 5 PTS for me. Plus maybe 20 PTS for History being he is a Viking? 


Lovely work on this chilly chap, Kyle. I like the snow effect, and the blue tones from the base and his clothes nicely reinforce the cold weather he's having to endure. Really, the man needs to go inside for some warm spiced mead and a slice of pie!

Well done!

- Curt


  1. Nice work Kyle, he does look rather cold indeed, I did notice that there is a sneaky wee skull on the side there, I hope you haven't missed him in your count

    1. 🤣🤣 forgot about the 2 skulls... Not sure I want to get wrapped into that duel again... It could get ugly quickly 😏😅😈

  2. Brrrr! I'm getting chills just looking at him. Lovely work with the cool palette and snow effects

  3. Definitely frigid-looking; not just the blue tomes, but the light effects also do a lot to make it look like a waning day. Very nice work there.

  4. I had to turn up the heating in my room just to look at this picture. That is some really nice work, well done.

  5. Frigid paint job. Well done giving the cold vibe.

  6. That blue tone really sells the cold.

  7. Great work Kyle -- that basing is outstanding and really inspires me to want to work on a snowy scene!

  8. Atmospheric and chilling….. lovely

  9. Great looking big guy, that snow looks ace 👍

  10. He definitely is giving us a very frosty look. The ice and snow effects are very good, very convincing. Great job!

  11. My days I feel cols just looking at him. Lovely work Kyle.

  12. Positively baltic! I'll have to look into that .pdf for my own snowy plans...
