Saturday 23 December 2023

From: MarkB - Zona Alfa - Special Action Team - "New New Acquisitions" (50 points)

Hi all! Well with all the snow on the ground here in Sweden I figured I would start off with a little something that just arrived in the mail just last week, so I will use them for my first entry into this years library.

 These are six x 28mm Future war infantry from a company called "Enemy Spotted Studios". I will primarily use these for gaming Zona Alfa, which I was introduced to earlier this year.

I did not go crazy with camouflage as I wanted to give the miniatures a feeling of being more of a Special Ops civilian cloths type unit. 

So for the scoring:

6 X 28mm infantry = 30 points

Bonus theme "New Acquisition" -20 Points

Total: 50 Points

Have a Merry Christmas!


A nice ice-breaker with this new unit of special operators, Mark! I have the Zone Alfa rules, but have not tried them yet (we typically use Spectre Operations for modern tactical), so it's interesting to hear of someone who has actually played them. As to your team, I like the addition of the metallic faceplates and the red ammo clips - brings them together as a squad. Well done!

- Curt