Sunday 21 January 2024

Rhunt - Space Marines and fantasy (85 pts)

 I'm getting close to being done with my Space Marines (which I like painting) and my elves, which I really don't like painting. I also have some other models for this week.

More Space Marines. I really like these models. They are a lot bigger than my dad's older models. They look good and they are easy to paint, but there are a lot of things on them that have to be painted. I tried different colors on the rims of the bases, like people told me to. I like the blue base best.

There is also a tank that came with this set so I have to see if my dad will build it for me.  I'm running out of models to paint.

Bones. These are old ones so they are not very detailed.

Two Bones models. I put the one on the right on a 3D printed base that someone gave me.

Next up are three brand new models. I bought them last Saturday. They are part of a box that my dad says would be perfect for Mordheim but I don't know what that game is.

Two dogs and the female fighter.

There are three more guys in the set that I'm working on finishing for next week.

I really liked the dogs. I have eight more dogs for elves in Oathmark so now I can have ten dogs. 

Next up is Iorlas. He came with Denethor and is the captain of the Citadel Guards. He has some really cool rules that let him shield but still strike, so he should be really hard to kill.

Iorlas, captain of the Citadel Guards

I think this is the last infantry model for Gondor that I didn't have. I still need to get the Trebuchet and the bolt thrower but then I think that between my dad's army and mine we have all of the options. I am going to use Roman scorpions for Gondor bolt throwers until I get the models.

The last entry is more icky elves. I'm really close to being done with these and that makes me very happy.

Five archers, one sword and two spears

These seventeen 28mm models give me 85 points for the week.

Thank you.

Great output this week mate. Loving all the different works you have done, and I agree that the blue based rims look the best. Once you paint all your marines with it, you will see a nice upgrade to the unit as a whole! Keep up the great work here, and may all your dices roll 6 when playing against your dad! 85 pts to you. Kyle


  1. "I'm running out of models to paint" - careful typing or saying that out loud!

    Good work :)

    1. Dad explained why this is bad. I will get more models.

  2. I think each week is looking better than the last. Well done on persisting with the icky elves- it can be all too easy to leave some projects half completed.

  3. Looks great! Always a fan of seeing some LotR figs in the mix

  4. Nice work completing multiple units especially some you were tired of.

  5. A great mixed bag of minis! Yes, the blue rim looks ace on mostly blue marines and blue tufts. And I think your dad can explain Mordheim to you, it is a great game.

    1. Thank you for agreeing the blue. I like it too.

  6. I really do love those Space Marines, the basing is quite alien too.

  7. Great work and great basing. Tell your dad to get working on more figures!

    1. I love doing the basing. Thank you Peter.

  8. Great work Rhys, and a fine job in preserving with the minis that were giving you some challenges. :)

  9. Nice skills Rhys. Keep at it, things continually will improve.

  10. Great collection of figs, who doesn't love a flying Space Marine 😀

  11. Nice work, Rhys! The fantasy minis and the dogs are very fine!
    Keep working and they get easier and quicker to do. Very fine work this year!
