Sunday 11 February 2024

From EdwardG - Just a quick one (10pts)

 Hej hej, 

I know many of the challengers would patently wait and painted a whole crew before publishing a post. Sadly, as I explained last week, my schedule doesn't allow such a luxury. But, I have made a little bit of progress before leaving for Tokyo and I wanted to share. 

I cheekily spent some of a very dull all day SteeCo call to paint up these two chaps. 

I belive both models are from Foundry. I bought them as part of the same job lot that furnished my first model in this year's challenge. Both were painted with 90-95% contrast paints, mostly for speed but also to test a couple of new colours I have just bought.

The Marshal is part of a set that make up a display piece based on the famous "Napoleon, bored at Borodino, with his foot on a drum" painting. I hope to get through all of these minis, and show the whole group, but it might take me a Challenge or two more at this rate!

The grenadier is not the model as sold. I've made some conversions to better shoehorn him into Silver Bayonet. Originally, this model is sold as an Austrian POW, but I though that wouldn't work without some adjustment. The axe and the horn have been taken from a plastic Vikings box set. I feel they give him at least at bit of an offensive capability. He's painted in the uniform of a Danish grenadier, to allow him to fit as an ally into my otherwise French crew. There are certainly some aspects of the uniform that don't match, but I'm pretty sure most people don't know Danish uniforms well enough to see/care.  

Points wise, I belive that I score the following:

2 x 28mm foot = 10pts.

Hope everyone continues to have a great week!


Ed 😀

Lovely addition to the challenge here Ed. Be it 2 models or 200 in a post, all are welcome and appreciated. Lovely painting on these 2 chaps here. 

Have a great trip to Tokyo!


  1. What A great pair! I really do like how that Grenadier sapper turned out, great conversion work.

  2. Great work and conversion. The hats not quite right for the Danes but the figure looks great.

  3. Great work Ed! Love the sapper.

  4. Nice figure - the Sapper looks dangerous with the axe!

  5. Lovely work and I wouldn't have thought that was a conversion.
