Wednesday 21 February 2024

From PhilH: Commandos are Overdue to Endor (55 points)

Finishing up in the first room, a small submission at Overdue & Returns of these Star Wars Legion Rebel Commandos for this slow burn project. As I track my hobbying using Trello, I know I started these on 1 June 2023, got the base colours down and then moved house and didn’t pick them up again until the other week.

They’re doubly overdue as I should have knocked these out in short order, but some wider stuff has been hugely draining on hobby time and Challenge energy. I don’t hugely enjoy painting these Legion Rebels, so faffed about with them for halfheartedly. But it’s nice to get something off the painting desk.

The sniper team I finished shortly before the challenge, but they’re now reunited. I’ve also finished the first room of this mighty fine library, hurrah!

Five 35mm minis is 35 points plus the 20 location bonus for 55.


Regardless of how late they may be, the brushwork on these fellows is exquisite. It's been quite some time since I have perused the rebel figures for "Star Wars Legion", and I am curious - are these figures from the game maker (i.e. Fantasy Flight Games, or whatever-the-f*ck they are called now), or are they 3d prints, or are they a mix of both?

They look fantastic - and much for fun to imagine getting up to fight-for-freedom mischief on Endor than the ridiculous Ewoks...but should they run into trouble facing an "entire Legion" of the Emperor's "best troops", I'm sure a few log traps and bows will help get them out of trouble...

Greg painting Phil!



  1. Better late than never. Nice work Phil, love the camo.

  2. Really nice brushwork on these!

  3. Man these look good love the style of painting you have used they really stand out.

  4. Unfortunate they were not fun to paint. You can't tell as they look great.

  5. These figures are exquisitely painted. They simply look fabulous.

  6. Great looking finish and camo!
    Best Iain

  7. These look brilliant Phil, excellent work.

  8. Lovely work. It can be the case sometimes can't it that a certain project sits half done and the longer we leave it, the more intimidating it gets too. This challenge is great for nudging us.

  9. Superb - love the cammo and faces, just so good
