Friday 22 March 2024

From SimonG: Wrap Up, Or A Mixed Bag (In Many Ways!)

It's once again time for my wrap up post and the one time a year I have to struggle with taking a selfie without holding my stupid phone at arms length (which btw always gives terrible results). It's also rather a shock that the picture that comes back is one of my father (but that's another story!)

Who is that guy? And why does he smile so oddly?

The Final Array

Anyway this is now my fourth challenge and while not a terribly high scoring excursion it has allowed me to embark on two exciting new projects. The first is the expansion of my existing Jewish Revolt 28mm skirmish project into a full scale Impetus based large battles setup with figures from Victrix.

I though it would be nice to show the figures alongside some key references. In this case they are of course Josephus' "Jewish Wars" but also Jodi Magness' recent study of Masada and how this has echoed down the centures, and finally Martin Goodman "Rome and Jerusalem: The Clash of Ancient Civilizations".

My other and completely new project was another Impetus army but in this case in 15mm for the Albigensian Crusade. All figures are from Khurasan.

The references here are Jonathan Sumption's first publication "The Albigensian Crusade" plus "The Perfect Heresy" by Simon O'Shea and Sophie Thérese Amblers "The Song of Simon de Montfort" to show how the experience of Simon the elder influenced the younger.

Finally I am close to finishing up my 10mm 1980s Cold War project with figures from Timecast.

In this instance I've shown the figures alongside two rule sets for the period -- Sabre Squadron and Battlegroup Northag -- all I need now is some terrain and I am ready to go.

Finally I wanted to share my secret for detail work at all scales -- a really good set of magnifying visors -- and I can heartly recommend The Donegan Optical OptiVISOR - I use the 2.75X No 7

So with no more to say I will offer up invocations and thanks to the lord and lady of the challenge -- Curt and Sarah, to my scholarly minion Sylvain (I hope my errors in erudition didn't embarass you too much), and all the others in the Monday crew who seemed among the most valiant posters and commentors and a great group to work alongside.

I also wanted to say how much I appreciated the theme for this year’s challenge. Libraries are sorely under appreciated, especially here in the UK, and I wish I was still in Portland, OR which has a great program of building new libraries to serve all the local communities and where I was able to make a donation. 

My calendar is now marked for November 20th 2024 and I am already making plans for the next time -- see you all in nine months time!


  1. Those projects were original, not frequently seen on gaming tables. Looing forward to seeing you in December again

    1. Thanks for that feedback and glad you found them interesting - both of these locations have personal meaning for me and it is that that was the origin for these two projects

  2. Well done on your projects. For my painting I have a separate prescription for the close up work and then sometimes even throw on a second pair of spectacles to double the magnification.

    1. Luckily one of the advantages of presbyopia overlaid on myopia is that your range of super close up vision expands so I can use the visor without glasses 🥸

  3. Some fantastic work, Simon, very well done!

    1. Thanks Ray. Appreciate that and all the kind comments throughout the challenge

  4. Nice work. It’s good to make progress on long running projects especially ones you have researched deeply.

    1. Thanks Tom. That’s one of the chalk of starting something new - doing all the research. I still have a lot to learn about the Cathar Crusade

  5. Well done Simon. I really enjoyed both your Jewish Revolt and Cathar projects.

    1. Thanks Peter. Next up for me is some Languedoc terrain which should be fun!

  6. It was wonderful to have you with us again Simon. I always enjoy reading your posts and admiring your attention to detail. Have a terrific break and hopefully we'll see you with us next edition.

    1. Thanks so much Curt and especially for your accommodating me as a late registrant!

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks Barks. Although I wish I’d actually finished all I had planned!

  8. SimonG those albigensians were a treat, I felt that for 15mm you injected a lot of character. I also liked the colours too - I had looked at Khurusans 80yrs dutch war figures which I thought were very elegant. However I think you have to get them sent from the United States? heavy on postage?

    1. Thanks for that. Yes you do order direct from the USA just get in touch with them directly as they may need to manage the sale via eBay for VAT collection

    2. And as I recall the shipping wasn’t too bad. Around £15 on a £100 order I think

  9. Nice collection here, you managed to keep the focus on your plans and your output is coherent. Well done!

    1. Thanks Teemu. Helps not to be too distracted!

  10. Great job all around mate, Lovely work, detail and descriptions. Unitl the next one!

    1. That’s great to hear. Glad you liked both the painting and my postings! See you next time

  11. I loved both the Jewish War and the 15mm figures, Simon. Well done and I hope to see more of your fine work next winter!

    1. Glad you liked them and I hope to have much more to offer in the future

  12. Great work Simon. I'm amazed at the detail work and now I know why. Could I paint with such a magnifier on my heard? We will see. Cheers.

    1. Luckily I only put them on right at the end for the fine details, eyes and touch ups -- good thing my close up vision is holding up well! Good lighting is also essential too
