Tuesday, 11 February 2025

gluttony from the glutton- DavidB(234 points)

exploding orange paint pots in the wet pallet... it must be tuesday

So, I have made it to Gluttony. It has been an interesting day and several of the following are still very much so wet. I could have delved deeper into the mountain of neglect, but honestly as hobbyists we are by nature gourmands of Gluttony. The holidays brought its own chaos and then funnerals followed by hospitalizations and finding myself rapidly progressing to family elder. I have not had much time to properly sort my hobby space which is fine as I mostly know where things are...even if they are buried beneath primed models or new 3D prints. I am still unsure if it hobbyist hell or nirvana, but it does represent my cluttered mind and I am calmer when sitting before the disordered mess.

My  family did give me a new rolling tote which cleared stuff from my desk.

some are still balanced precariously atop shoeboxes...also precariously balanced.

And now I can kinda see troops awaiting more paint( I know a lot are sorta done and some not so much, but there are also some more troops stashed in ' organizing drawers" just behind this as they need some highlighting and metallics and are really almost done and need to be kept safe from splashing paint and precariously stacked miniatures.
Such is my organizational skills that one Corvus Cabal minion was lost under a lot of primed WW2 vehicles. He was quickly painted today so I can place him with his crew.

The terrain is some 3D prints from thingverse and are intended as generic terrain. A ruined three piece medieval church and an arched ruin and ruined well. I will print up the church again at some point, but remove the wooden timbers as they make it seem more recently ruined.
These are also 3D prints and a small file I purchased from Watcorp Designs. It was very cheap and is a nice model with options for an open cargo or enclosed troopback. I printed up both versions.

I painted these for use in a new Scifi game that has Earths first colony world. It seemed logical to assume that most equipment would be modular for ease of use and these powerful trucks would be a good platform as emergency vehicles like the bright green spaceport fire truck or the camouflaged military truck. 

the fire truck has been stored outside and exposed to a lot of excitement, so fresh paint is not a plentiful item.

I used vallejo rust effect paint set to show rust and damage while the rust and ash powders were used to show the dirt and grime these hard working trucks have gathered

cannons on a fire truck!? in the modular nature of these trucks, the turret is probably a relatively easy swap of water cannon with more destructive ones possibly plug in turrets. I painted both trucks so the absence of the turrets isn't an issue as they will mostly be table dressing in my new game Blackout.
Blackout is a new scifi skirmish game I picked up at adepticon last year. Enemy Spotted Studios is an American company where a marine and army combat veterans made a scifi skirmish game where weapons are very lethal. a d10 system and if a troop is in the open bad things will happen. it is shoot and move and the system includes mechanics for models fighting in cover or using cover to "pie out" to engage targets.  It is fast paced and somewhat counter heavy with some other interesting game mechanics. They got my money easy as the models are wonderful, but also a combat vet company where the factory and shipping dept are entirely wounded warriors.
for$100 I got two forces(UN vsHarlow) tokens and a small rulebook. 

The UN squad is led by a sniper and spotter and i matched their cloaks to the weathering powders i dusted the base and their legs with.

The UN force has bots powered by AI and in a slight horror, memory/ brain scans of deceased soldiers. All the brain scans and measurements used to track TBI(traumatic brain injury) in the game fluff I could be one of those bots. The bots are controlled by the two soldiers in the white UN helmets. in the game fluff they are women as women are pretty good in multitasking anyways and to be honest there isn't too much difference between soldiers and toddlers anyway! ;)

The ladies have recessed helmet lenses that i painted orange, the bots have a really nice similarity to the ones in Chappie which makes me think bigger things and fluff will be inbound for this game if they maintain success.

To oppose the UN forces are the Harlow mercenary company based out of South Africa. The troops are multicultural and all veterans. They were hired by the colonist workers whereas the UN represents earth and another merc group from Russia represents another faction( I think the industries involved on the colony as they are corporate security. 

Harlow has three fireteams one led by the squad leader and the troops use some exo armor for increased mobility and strength

the bot operator is a woman and the troop on the right has a squad support weapon his exo suit helps him move with.

I do like how the three women are just smaller than the men and not overt in their femininity

Harlow bots are just a little different than the UN ones.

all of the figures have nice animation and I will be looking for the other sets this year as well as an expansion set and updated rules.
Besides turquoise, I have engaged in gluttonous use of rust effects. I dug out my powders i used in challenge past, but also the Vallejo rust effects set. I cannot use blogger at work, but I can watch youtube videos of painters and scale modelers and have seen lots of amazing works and taken notes.
I am still quite the novice at weathering, but I also know practice will make perfect. I painted the two fallout derelicts in turquoise as that color pairs well with the orange rust contrast. I also used white for the generic station wagon so i could just focus on the rust itself. 

these are all freebie 3d prints. 

I used a watery tan paint to dust to corners of the pickup as it has been collecting weathering scars and dust for some time. I also focused on chipping the paint and exposing lots of weathered metal beneath the paint.

the station wagon was peeled paint an exposed primer with the addition of rusted metal over all.

the fallout sedan used both blue and white and then NMM chrome to be weathered into a milky weathered chrome finish with rust bubbling beneath.

I also used all those wonderful fins and art deco shapes for where the sun blistered the paint away on the raised rounded surfaces
All of this playing with rust led to this, which is a gift for my father who just today went to the hospital.
He is a Rat-Rod aficionado and has been buying hot rod toy cars as he knows he can never own all the classics cars he wishes in 1:1 scale. I got him Gaslands for christmas as his toy car collection is a literal motorpool for the game. He may despair at the modified hot wheel cars, but these are outfitted with all the launchers, guns, ect that he could ever need for a game.

another skull....

two rat rods and a gasser to populate the game board i am building him. i am still painting the buildings and the board. I used a oil painting frame from a $10 painting from goodwill which I have found to be the perfect size for any skirmish game

the tail lights shine nice with the blue and i noted the gasser needed the drag chute painted so it got some paint as I took pictures

the war rig for scenarios and is just a paint up from a hot wheels rat rod car carrier.

a flame thrower to take care of tailgaters and also harpoons to make things interesting

so this is a healthy stack that can be set aside for a more secure place and cleared some room from the haphazardous stacking on my desk, and they wont be splattered by the orange paint.

so one warcry cultist for 5 points and two skulls
two hulking 6x6 for 40 points
seventeen 28mm scifi troops-85 points
3 rusted derelicts- 60 points
one semi and three rat rods for gaslands- 24 points and two skulls
rust and turquoise gluttony- 20
234 points new skull tally of 95 with 4 new skulls 

Great grimy boys and their rides! Love the Fallout Sedan in particular - quite the rockin' ride!
Hope your Dad gets well son Dave


  1. Wonderful grime. I enjoy the scifi troops. New game you say?

    1. Thank you, Bruce and yes a new game to add to the shelf!
      It is called Blackout and is more hard sci-fi less space opera.

  2. David your work bench and storage systems are as chaotic as mine. Great stuff rolls out, love the rat rods.

    1. I swear I know where everything is with 89% accuracy! ...mostly! Than you Peter!

  3. A fantastic mix David but you certainly should get a prize for the messiest painting desk :-)

    1. Thanks! But the scary part is my Art desk is a monster drafting table that dwarfs most double beds....hmm now that makes my clutter seem worse! 😳

  4. Love the brushwork! And your ability to work in that kind of a space. :)

  5. Wonderful work David though I am sorry to hear about your recent funerals and your dad going into the hospital. I enjoy seeing your chaos as that just indicates inspired enthusiasm to me. Great painting all around! Blackout looks quite interesting, I'll definitely have to check it out.
