Monday, 17 March 2025

From GrahameH: 15mm Early World War One German Infantry Peter Pig (384 points)

Probably my last entry this year as I am not likely to finish this army until the weekend.

These are 15mm Peter Pig Early World War One German infantry structured to use with the Rapid Fire Rules. Hence scaling of 1 figure represents 15 men. Each battalion therefore, of which there are 3, has 64 figures divided into four companies and an HQ. 

There isn't much point publishing too many photos as the figures are mainly the same so below is an example of a company and an HQ group. 

A company which contains 15 figures 

HQ with a CO and 3 men 

I have some artillery, a Jager Battalion and the RHQ left to be painted at the weekend. 

Then I need to decide whether to make this a Brigade size army of six battalion and add a cavalry regiment. Obviously the sensible answer is, to leave it as it is, but who needs sensible!!!

Total points for this entry 384pts

TeemuL: Nice and simple entry from Grahame, in other words half an army. Not as varied models as your Samurai armies, but it must take some focus to paint that amount of quite similar minis, but I guess you are used to that already. You get close to 5000 with this post, surely a motivator to finish and publish little bit something to get over that honourable line.


  1. Fantastic looking figures Graham!

  2. These look excellent, Grahame. The mere mention of Rapid Fire takes me back to the 90s.

  3. Wonderful painting on these. You of course need to at least add cavalry. :)
