Monday, 17 March 2025

From IanS: 6mm Bavarian Napoleonic Infantry (186 points)

Hi So here is my next post. Again all figures are Commission Figures 6mm MDF and they represent a small Bavarian Division at the end of 1812. All flags are from Warflag and are resized. First up are the line infantry
and a rear view
Light Infantry
Skirmishers with some head changes
And here is an overal photo of the entire division.
Points 366 6mm infantry figures at 0.5pts each = 183pts 3 mounted 6mm figures at 1pt each = 3pts Total 186pts More 6mm to come!

TeemuL: It is your surprise Monday Free Fire Minion Teemu here congratulating you achieving your Challenge target, well done! That's a lot of minis and a great example of how mdf can be made looking good. Something I didn't see on my Thursday group, I constantly forget, that there are MDF minis even though I have lots of MDF terrain. Your work inspires me to buy some of these and try!


  1. HI TeemuL they are incredible cheap at 9. infantry or 36 cavalry for £2. Walt is very good.and he sells single strips as well as wheels. I scratch build wagons and the extra wheels are a good send.

  2. Brilliant work. Love the Commission figures. £2 for 96 figures can't go wrong!

  3. Lovely work! I'm definitely going to check these out.

  4. Amazing work - especially considering what they start looking like.
