Rounding up my submissions for this fine AHPC XV is the continuation of my efforts to complete my first Turnip 28 army is two Regiments of Fodder, a Toff and a couple of Toadies to fill the ranks of "Les Betteraves Royales Maléfiques du Grand Destin, du but Prédestiné et du design Inspiré !!"
The Fodder and Toff are converted models from the Victrix kit 'Napoleon's Middle Imperial Guard, Fusiliers-Grenadiers' # VX0016. Green stuff of course features prominently for conversions to create roots and Plague doctor style masks, as does the use (and abuse) of Tajima1 grass tuffs typical of Turnip28 conversions. To punch up the vegetation tufts sprouting from these Fodder I also used bristles clipped from a (new and unused) shower scrub brush, where I dipped the extended bristly tips first in glue then in fine sand to (hopefully) infer a flower or small leaf effect at the ends of long slim stems.
For the banners I drew inspiration from a recent 'Peachy Tips' YouTube video for the use of masking tape to craft cloth capes for conversions, to my current need to create cloth banners
My banner cost of arms art needs some skill-ups for future efforts, but hopefully what many layers of paint wash and battle damage cannot hide here, the lore of decay and corruption afforded by the world of Turnip can perhaps obfuscate behind assumptions that the Fodder, rather than I, are woefully ill-equipped and nigh-useless at free hand banner painting.
One of my Toadies is an olde thyme GW Halfling adventure conversion up with green-stuffed mushrooms rising from his back to effect his bragging a taller stature and the other Toady is a converted 10mm Troll 3d misprint mashed up with a few of the same Victrix kits bits, hence scoring this one Turnip 28 mini as a 10mm model.
When working on my first few T28 head conversions I became a little frustrated with my efforts to sculpt green stuff into plague doctor style masks into something more elegant than looking like the drooping noses of chubby elephant seals. After some mucking about and experimenting I found I could easily achieve a long tapered nose for the mask by first crafting up the same disappointing chubby mask, but then rather than using tools to somehow force a sculpt of fine features I instead just pinched the mask's chubby nose tip between my fingers and then pulled and stretched the green stuff away from the bulk of the green stuff stuck to the model's face and kept slowly pulling and stretching past the green stuff's stretchy breaking point, which left me with a satisfyingly long and narrow length of green stuff protruding from the model face for me to sculpt into visages closer to my artistic vison. I am keen to return to more T28 conversion in future to better evolve mask sculpting techniques, as these conversions were fun to do.
Squirrel! huh wuh? Do I hear the sweet jangling of keys??? Unplanned and imperfect is this last entry here, a Deathwalker mini from the Frosthaven board game that I play most Thursdays with ByronM and some other fine folk as fate permits. On impulse last week we decided to paint up the minis for the characters we played, to add more colour and spectacle to the weekly-ish game
Squirrel! huh wuh? Do I hear the sweet jangling of keys??? Unplanned and imperfect is this last entry here, a Deathwalker mini from the Frosthaven board game that I play most Thursdays with ByronM and some other fine folk as fate permits. On impulse last week we decided to paint up the minis for the characters we played, to add more colour and spectacle to the weekly-ish game
Not my best, but hopefully board game worthy to combat vs cardboard standy monsters. This is the 3rd or 4th repaint within the same past week to sort out colours and contours before I had to invoke the ancient power of GEMO ( Good Enough, Move On) against my impulses to overcome this re-visitation to my to memories of more (ahem) "youthful" years skill level of painting. This isn't the only distraction from the well constructed painting plan I had at start of this years challenge, but at least it resulted in another mini no longer blighted by the grey
Total Points: 136
x24 Turnip 28 Fodder Foot Figure 28mm 24x5 = 120 pts
x1 Turnip 28 Toady Foot Figure 28mm = 5 pts
x1 Turnip 28 Toady Foot Figure 10mm = 1 pts
x1 Toff Turnip 28 Foot Figure 28mm = 5 pts
x1 Frosthaven Deathwalker Foot Figure 28mm = 5 pts
Magnifique Turnips Mssr! I particularly like the way you've incorporated bright gaudy colours, yet kept their miserable demenour- trés bien! I particularly admire the additional kit bashing and con version - only Turnip touched affecionados know how much additional work does into this madness - to do so during the Challenge is, well, madness! (I speak from experience naturally)
What a great note to finish your Challenge on Steve. Better take a few rooty bonus points for the wonderfully tattered, hand made flags too :-)
- Paul
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