Monday, 17 March 2025

From DaveD - the De Witts” & upto a 1000 Zulus - points 332

The local clergy the Reverend and Miss “De Witt”have seen the increase in Zulu forces - they have a warning for MartinC’s Brits - “You’re all going to die! “

As usual these are Pendraken Miniatures 

This is modification of the ACW Ambulance with sides and rear being added in card . The driver is one from the Stagecoach set as he looks the closest one I could find . The lady is from the ACW civilians set .
Working in the casting workshop means I come across all sorts of stuff I haven’t seen before and come up with other creative ideas .. 

Of course the portrayal in the film Zulu is inspiration rather than information. The Reverend wasn’t a drunk neither was there a Miss De Witt , but why let that get in the way, Hollywood has done much worse over the years . 

Another 4 Zulu regiments have been raised - taking me to that mythical 1000  now painted - not bad for 5 weeks of painting .

Two veteran units with mostly white shields :-

The umKulushane -  “Coming at You” , at roughly 1500 men , with 87 figures 

The -isAngqu  “White Tails” are roughly 1500 men , with 87 figures

The uKhandampevu “Beehive”, at roughly 1500 men , 86 figures 

The umHlanga “Reeds” , at roughly a 1000 men , with 65 figures 

So here is the Zulu army - 1000+ of em!

The Horns of the Buffalo 

The Chest and Loins 

The Right Horn 

The Left Horn 

I have some commanders and riflemen to add in and two more regiments at some point before the campaign game on huge 24x6 tables . But for now I think I am all Zulued out .

I still have another winter post to see out my challenge yet so for now it’s the points tally 

Points :-

10mm vehicle = 6 , + 1 foot = 7 

10mm foot - 325

Points also to 

the colonial duel… Usuthu !


Stonking work Dave! I really admire how you kitbashed the ACW wagon to create the De Witt carriage. Lovely finishing work as well. But of course it's the final roundup of your Zulu force which gives me pause. Wow. Just wow. All the regiments arrayed for battle looks proper daunting - you can understand Mr. De Witts statement of, You're all going to die.' when you look at them all. As you say, not bad for 5 weeks work! Well done sir!

- Curt


  1. Excellent wagon. An impressive army for your challenge run.

  2. @Curt - thanks . You can see the entire British army on Martins upcoming post - now I only need to catch one of those unsupported columns - Isandlwana looks a good place for that

  3. Wow - they look great and I do like the work you have done to the ACW ambulance. "I see your Zulus and raise you some Mahdists" - (perhaps later today)

    1. Thanks - I look forward to seeing them! Lots and lots of em !

  4. Great work, Dave! Very nice you managed to get these done during the Challenge.

    1. Thanks , yes it’s been good to break the volume required
