Saturday 23 January 2016

Celebrating our Progress

Well, we're past the 1/3 mark and the Challenge is cracking on at a brisk pace. Thanks again to our Minions who've been keeping the train on the rails. 

Even without counting the current Bonus Round we've collectively painted the equivalent of 4,370 28mm foot figures, and we have five participants who have brought in well over 1000 points each. Amazing stuff. Well done folks!

We also have our first Challengers who have surpassed their initial points targets. Alex and Ian have now broken out to 'the green fields beyond' and will now need to refocus on a new set of targets to take them to the finish line. Great work guys! 

Okay, on to a few administrative announcements:  

As a reminder, today (Saturday) will be the last day for voting for the 'Epic Fail' round so please drop in to make your selections if you haven't already. You have until 11:45 pm CST to cast your votes.

Also, Byron has been very busy keeping the Side Challenges and Duels updated (bless him) so please review the duel scoresheet in the right sidebar to check your progress. Byron has asked that if you find any discrepancies please just drop him a note and he'll make the appropriate corrections.

Finally, keep in mind that next week is the 'Defensive Terrain' theme round, so you just have seven days to get that done and submitted. It should be a corker!

Enjoy the day and have a great weekend! 


  1. Impressive work everybody! :)

  2. Time is flying by. There has been some brilliant work on show , well done all

  3. I'm ready for 2500. The Event proved to be very fruitful and inspiring work experience.

  4. Great work everyone!!! My calendar is ticking around quickly. I'm painting a little every day (even just 15 minutes - something I've not managed for years), and all as a result of this wonderful Challenge and everyone's brilliant efforts. Thanks so much (and especially Curt and his wonderful minions!)!
