Wednesday 30 March 2016

DaveB's Challenge - End of the Line...

Another Challenge winds down and I'm trading my brushes for boots and running shoes. 

I think I only needed two trays last year for what I completed, this year seen an extra tray to hold my accomplishments.

This also marked the first winter I did not feel a need for forest isolation as well, so I will take that as a huge win! 

The Snowlord's request for a photo got my middle daughter rather excited too. She snatched this shot on the way to her Cheerleading practice. This IS my smiling face too! ;)
I'm packing for Adepticon this morning. I may get some shots up on my blog as I've enjoyed 

Ray, Fran, Clint, Tamsin, and Lee showing all the cool stuff- and loot- from Salute.
I've still Orcs, Inquisitors, French Peninsular, ACW, Zombicide primed and ready for the brush. I will add to my pile for sure this weekend. I already have Counter Threat and Assassination Protocol from Megacon games which added 40 new members to the mountain of neglect! 

They all will wait for December as I have a garden to kickstart, training to perform and three 5k runs for April alone. Not to mention my brood of tween-agers that need sheltering from adolescent boys! My wee lad has discovered girls now too, it will be a long summer campaign keeping up with the 4 kids and making sure my wife remains happy! ;)

PS my email is darthbrom at G mail dot com...and I still have a Catachan tank commander that needs to get his immigration papers in order. Also for Curt expect a suprise sometime soon as we forest fellas just love suprises! ;)


  1. Well done David. I really enjoyed your work this Challenge.

    1. Thank you, Peter! It was a very fun painting season! ;)

  2. David, it's been an absolute pleasure seeing your work this year. I hope that we see you for Challenge VII!

    1. Thanks, Evan. It was a lot of fun and providing I do plan on returning again, we'll just hope the Middle East shenanigans stay at moderate levels! ;)

  3. Congrats on another great painting season David :)

    1. Thank you, Tamsin! My favorite part was the Native duel, lots of proper warriors got made in that! ;)

  4. A crackin' collection Dave! And well done on 7th place!

    1. Thanks Ray! Ha, 7th...just like my Cadian 7th! ;)

  5. That's an impressive amount of figures Dave! Well done!


    1. Thank you, Christopher! It is nice getting a force MOSTLY completed! ;)

  6. Dave - you were a bloody machine! Well done sir!

    1. Thank you, Greg! And another thanks Again for the Friday oversight. That had to be rough chore keeping all the Friday cats herded! ,)

  7. Great to put another face to a name here. You got LOADS of stuff painted. Cheers

    1. Thank you! I think that will be a goal in the future too. Complete, mostly, a force and finish with a comic book reference! ;)

  8. Fantastic work from one of the Friday crew :) really liked the work and you got us all to like plastic catachans again! I started 40k as an IG player so it always warms the cockles of my heart to see them painted so well.

    1. Thanks, Jamie! Guard were my first force too and although the lasguns are little better than flashlights, it's amazing what damage a volley of 60 will do! ;)
      I fear my Catachans are going to suffer their first lost this weekend. Apocalypse at Adepticon. They are joining a space marine force and attacking 3 renegade chapters on chaos home turf. I didn't get Commissar Yarrick finished so only my unnamed Inquisitor will lead them and the Cadian 7th.

  9. Lots of production there well done. It sounds like you have a busy spring planned

    1. Thank you, John!
      It is going to be busy, but it's the hazard of children and citizen soldier responsibilities. I keep telling my wife it will be worth it when we retire to the UP( upper peninsula the happy hunting AND fishing grounds for mortals)

  10. Nice horde of models done up there! Great work!

    1. Thank you, Kyle! A fair chunk are going to Adepticon in the morning with me. My first real vacation in many years without military service. I'm going to be an 8 year old lad with a 48 year old man's wallet! ;)

  11. Excellent stuff! Your Catachans are a real bummer.

    1. Thank you! I am dreading the apocalypse board which will have no jungle at all, but I'll just have them show the chaos marines how tough Catachan blades are! Plus Lt Millsy still has that vortex grenade! ;)
