Tuesday 29 January 2019

Tuesday Painters... Your Challenge Needs You!

Ok folks, it's time to serve king and snow lord. We are fast approaching the halfway mark and already a lot of metal (and plastic and resin) has been shaved off the top of our respective lead mountains. But I sense there is a lot more Pb awaiting the touch of a brush. So I'm putting out the call; Your Challenge Needs You to redouble your efforts just as that initial burst of enthusiastic energy has started to flag. And I'm looking in the mirror as I say this, having had a rather lacklustre week as far as productivity is concerned. I'll be sending myself a white feather in the post forthwith! 

The Tuesday crew have once again amazed me with their output and put me to shame in the process. I'd be interested to know from the Statsmagician what the league table of daily productivity is (maybe that's coming later?). I'd like to think my excellent boys (and Gal) would be high up the chart. So what do we have for you today...aside from another dodgy picture of me?!

Terrain and some bad dudes for the Wild West; Ming Rocketeers; some excellent desert transport; Italian Wars Stradiots; Swiss polearms; Jacobite Artillery; Two ACW units; an American Bulldozer; and Bonnie Prince Charlie. There's room for more, and as usual, I'll be standing by my laptop waiting for new entries to come in (hint, hint, Tuesday crew!).


  1. I'm sure that as a day we are winning. All hail minion number 1

  2. Great pic Lee, but you need to photoshop-in the iconic handlebar moustache. :})
