Friday 3 January 2020

From SanderS - An Indian Infantry Brigade (192pts)

Hoi There,

The Challenge is all about getting paint on the contents of the unpainted-pile and also of course to gain some more points. So I took 2 of the battalions of HäT Colonial Indian troops I have had based for quite a while in my cabinet and put some paint on them.

The uniforms I took from several Ospreys and the Digby Smith book on the period of Imperialism but allowed for some artistic license as well.
The only spot colour is the bright red/ blue piece of the turnbans. The yellow and red ones are from the Osprey, the blue and red a concoction of my own.

Anyway these 48 figures in 20mm should amount to 192 points for the tally.

Cheers Sander

These Indian troops look jolly good, Sander. 192 points it is.



  1. Super looking Indian troops!
    Best Iain

  2. Great looking units Sander. I really like their colourful turbans in amongst the khaki.

  3. I’m waiting for these army troops to break out in song and dance “Bollywood Style” 💃

  4. Very effective army, Sander. I always find it particularly difficult to sustain painting of khaki, so you should feel pretty pleased with yourself.

  5. Lovely work, the spot colours work really well against the khaki

  6. Well done on cracking into the unpainted pile.
