Friday 3 January 2020

From AdamC: O'Grady's Gulch Warmonger Halbardiers (61 Points)

These are 10mm Landsknechte Halbardiers from Warmonger Miniatures a local company here in Massachusetts that I have shown before here in previous challengers.  I kept this set simple Blue tunic with red highlights.

The pants are done in red with yellow Highlights and yellow feathers.  I've had these for a while but they now have a cause worthy of them.  These boys are heading over to the UK to join the Army of Light as Part of James' project to memorialise his son.  There aren't enough here for an army but they'll be a fine addition to some army or other and I hope James will accept this small contribution.

I got as close as I could to James' basing requirements from what I had at home.  I had to glue two bases together to get the frontage.  I've used white glue so James should have no problem re-basing them. 10mm miniatures are 1 point per man for 30 points and another 30 points for the miniatures painted for a friend so 60 Points in total.

Oooh! Those do look rather spiffing in their primary colours. And all for a great project (note to self - need to paint my contribution at some point).
The only fault I can find with your scoring for these is that you forgot to add a point for the hand-painted flag, so that brings your total for this entry to 61 points!



  1. Great stuff, will look great with the rest

  2. Thank you I did indead forget the flag.

  3. Nice work on these Adam, and for a worthy cause too.

  4. Well done Adam. Can't beat a Halberdier in a snappy outfit!

  5. Great looking halberdiers, Adam. I'll have to check out Warmonger to see if I can augment my collection.

  6. Great entry for a great cause!

  7. Very sharp looking and a properly worthy cause too.

  8. Great looking halbardiers!
    Best Iain

  9. Well done Adam on both a nice donation to a great cause, and being the first challenger to arrive at O'Grady's Gulch!

  10. These look great Adam - thank you!

  11. Wonderful primary colours!
