Wednesday 22 January 2020

Tamsin's Wednesday Whimsy

"Good morning gentlemen (and Ray). You will be pleased to hear that all passengers and crew are now safely aboard Snowlord Airways flight AHPC X out of Challenge, Blogland, although GuyB only just made it in time, leaving a long trail of clothes on the runway when his case burst open in the rush to board."

"We are currently cruising at 21,675 points towards our target altitude of 63,758 points. I hate to say it, but our resident thaumaturgician, Miles, may well be correct in his estimate that we will breach that target altitude."

"In case you are wondering why you have me today, rather than "Nurse" Docherty, it is quite simple - Dave has been called away to provide services on the ground, but will be back next Wednesday. So, for today you will just have to hope and pray that myself and other members of the cabin crew are able to read his instructions on what medications you should all be getting."

"I haven't looked at today's entertainments list yet, but I'm sure there will be lots of lovely things for you to see."




  1. I thought I was doing this. I really must insist that you take all the posts down and let me do it. No. OK well I asked. Cheers

  2. @ Darrell - he loves it! :)

    @ Martin C - well, you should have jumped in earlier! ;)

    @ Peter D - you're not aboard me, your aboard the plane! ;)
