Sunday 9 February 2020

Sunday's Minion - What's the Worst That Can Happen?

Well, Curt hasn't pulled the plug on me yet, so I guess I get to try this again.  Let's see if I can update points without deleting the table.

It looks like lots of folks have been busy and I've several posts to Minion today.  There's a couple of points heavy submissions plus the odd balloon ride.  My challenge has hit a solid case of the Februarys and ground to a halt with several things mostly done, so I'm glad to see others get their fingers out.

Have a good Sunday.


  1. Aaaargh... what could possibly go wrong...
    Er how long have you got

  2. Good luck not deleting the table! Always a worry!
    Best Iain

  3. Good luck with not deleting the roster again! :)

  4. Glad I won't have anything ready until Monday 😏😉
