Friday, 20 March 2020

From Paul'O, PeterD and MilesR: The Battle of Tsushima, O'Grady's Gulch (30. 65 and 60 points)

This entry is meant to allow the recipient to recreate the epic battle of Tsushima from the Russo Japanese War (a current favorite topic of mine right now).  This is a combined entry from three different participants Peter, Paul and Miles - and yes that does sound like a really bad 1960's Folk Band.  In keeping with the historical theme, we've also tried to recreate the epic voyage of the Russian fleet as the models originated here in the US but have made their way to Australia and Canada for painting and then will make their way back to Canada for delivery to the recipient.  Who's that, you ask? Why it's our beloved Snowlord himself - Curticus Maximus.

First up is the Japanese fleet, painted up by Peter.  It's a little known historical fact that the Japanese dry docks were entirely constructed out of foam core.  We should applaud Peter for including the historical detail.  (PeterD I'll have you know that it's 3mm pdf left over from my TTC Italian Wars Houses.  I didn't have access to the fancy bases that Miles hoarded!) (MilesR: Peter "hoarded" is a very charged term these days, why don't we say they were "triaged" in my favor.  Yes that sound much better).

All of the models are 1/1800 scale from War Times Journal and are 3D resin prints.  The detail is astonishing.  (Confirmed by PeterD - I was very impressed with these ships) (Verified by Paul - they are lovely indeed)

Above is a shot of 1/2 of the Russian fleet preparing to embark from their secret lair in Australia.

These beauties where painted up by Paul'O and they look fantastic (Thanks mate!)

Lastly, the other half of the Russian fleet emerging from their anchorage on the Chesapeake Bay en route to Saskatchewan.  This fleet is sporting some very stylish clear bases.  Don't worry Curt, there will be clear bases provided for all the ships.

Paul and I did try to coordinate the painting of the Russian ships and any variation is solely my (Miles) fault.  (PeterD - you're not taking enough credit Miles- everything is Miles' fault.) (Paul - I will posit no opinion on this matter)

Another Zeppelin shot of some of the smaller combatants.  (PeterD Russian navigation seems faulty given the tight squeeze these ships are in) (Paul: actually their navigation is superb in such constrained waters!)

Well there you have it - all of the capital ship combatants from the battle of Tsushima, painted across the globe and then delivered (eventually) to our beloved Snow-lord.

I do want to thank both Paul and Peter for agreeing to this silly idea and putting up with my, ummm, email "prodding".   (PeterD it was fun and a great idea Miles.  I think I prodded you more than the other way around). (Paul: a wonderful plam, would love to do another in the future)

As for points, I'd say each ship is close to a 28mm infantry figure so lets go with:
Peter 35 points
Paul 30 points
Miles 30 points

Curt we do expect a battle report on your blog at some point. (He'll need cruisers and destroyers but that's his lookout!)   Speaking of Russo-Japanese war stuff, I've got another project to complete.......

My word, this is going to be an annoying one to enter in the SOD (TM). To ease the pain on my brain, I'll go with your suggested scoring (note from Curt* - "Are you sure about that? The suggestion does come from Miles..."). Just one thing - is someone claiming for O'Grady's Gulch?

Great collaboration chaps and I'm sure that Curt will put on a game with them and post the AAR as soon as he can.


* entirely made up, but I suspect that he would make a very similar comment!

Edited: Peter's and Miles' scores adjusted for O'Grady's Gulch


  1. Thanks very much Tamsin- and yes when it comes to scoring headaches everything is Miles' fault! Do we get bonus points if this is the first time we're at O'Grady's Gulch - it is for me and I think also Miles.

    Remember this is all Miles' fault! He said so himself.

    1. OK, I'll go back and adjust the spreadsheet for you two then.

  2. Wow. Just wow. I have to admit I'm sitting here writing this a little verklempt. This is just amazing guys, thank you so very, very much. I'm at a loss for words really - they're simply beautiful. I look forward to posting a battle report featuring these wonderful models from this trio of capital chaps. Thanks again.

  3. super cool stuff guys, the 1st joint entry I can recall

    1. Someone did one with MichaelA a few years back - the landsknechts?

    2. First joint naval entry then!!!!

    3. That sounds good! Joint fleet exercises.

  4. Cool stuff guys - great work.

  5. Magnificent combined arms effort!

  6. Lovely team effort, great work!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks very much Iain. Most of the credit should go to Miles

  7. Very well done the three of you! I'm sure our beloved SnowLord will put the fleets to good use.
