Monday 1 March 2021

From ArthurS: The Oubliette! (27 points)


After hitching a ride on the Lady Sarah's Nimbus 2000, we now enter the Oubliette. While I painted the entry fee to the Witching Service, Arthur had to do his bit for this room. Let's be honest, I have forgotton about half the figures still on the Pile of Shame so would not have a problem finding anything suitabel but the Lad has been so enthousiastic about finishing these rooms he almost certainly believes that these Chambers of Challenge ARE the Painting Challenge itself.

Anyway he found a Space Marine he was given as a freebie while we were in Canterbury 2 years that was pre-Covid and pre-Brexit, how times fly and change! He totally forgot he had that kicking around still on sprue.

 Also lying around in his modest "to paint bin" was one of my first 3D printing experiments: a Star Wars Landspeeder that I printed too small for use with Star Wars Legion.

Thinking up points for this entry is a bit of poser: the Space Marine is 5 points no sweat, but the landspeeder is difficult. Arthur and myself decided to ask for 2 points as it is rather small and the scheme is fairly simple. 

Together with the bonus that is good for 27 points.

Cheers Sander




  1. Hello Arthur and Sander! Great work on these figures - so fun to just paint up a Space Marine, right? GW certainly knows that many of us have this weakness...

    Keep up the great work Arthur!

    1. Yeah GW has us down to rights on that one. Arthur will be posting more of his Space Marine Chapter (the Power Wings) soon.

  2. Wonderful work Arthur! I like the turquoise and dark blue armour on that Space Marine.

  3. I quite like that blue armour with the black helmet- attractive combo.

  4. Great looking space marine and land speeder!
    Best Iain

  5. They look like a lot of fun!
