Monday 1 March 2021

From PaulSS: [The Tomb] Madam Two Swords (30pts)


The Tomb: Paint a tomb, a burial-mound, a barrow or a henge. Bonus points for any ghostly guardian which lives, entombed, within...

I was rather lost for inspiration for this entry, but a trawl of the local games stores turned up this Wizkids "Heroic Statue" a few times, and the plinth could hold some remains, so, on Saturday I pulled the trigger and bought one.

It's quite a simple paint job, the statue was done in VMC Bronze with a couple of washes of AP Green Tone to give a verdigris effect, while the plinth is from a basecoat of VMC Basalt Grey with some staining and lichen patches stippled on.

A single mounted 28mm figure with the location bonus will add 30 points to my target.

Nice bronze-work, Paul. I'm just wondering about the lack of verdigris given the moss on the stone plinth. I assume that some poor sod was instructed to clean all the weathering off the statue and noticed that the boss didn't mention the plinth so left it mossy. 

30 points well earned.
