Monday 1 March 2021

From PaulSS: [Oubliette] Renault R-35 (45pts)

Oubliette: Your challenge in this chamber is to paint something forgotten, or lost.  A figure you thought you’d sold years ago.  Or a model from a long-forgotten project.  Resurrect what excited you, long ago, with a flourish from your brushes.

Being in the midst of the move back to the UK a lot of stuff is already packed up and ready to go or is in storage here in the US or the really old forgotten stuff is still in the UK so this is a slight stretch.

When I was last in the UK in 2019 I picked up some of the lovely new Crusader Miniatures Senegalese and got them painted up for Chain of Command. Some pics here, here and here. I decided that they needed some armoured support and the Chain of Command list allows them a Renault R-35 so I ordered one from JTFM last year and it's sat in the box since and was primed ready for the challenge.

The crewman is rather fancy with his droopy Gallic moustaches and silk scarf.

I don't have any appropriate decals so the blue ace of spades is a free-hand bodge. I also did quite a bit of weathering but it does not show up that well in the photos.

Hopefully when I'm back in the UK I'll get some games in with them.

A 28mm vehicle figure with crewman and the location bonus will add 45 points to my target.


  1. Very nice!

    French tanks are terrible, but they sure are pretty when all painted up!

    1. Thanks Robert, they are an interesting scheme to paint up and will hopefully stop the Panzers running all over the Tirailleurs Sénégalais

  2. Ah, early war French tanks - the hipster vehicles of WW2. They are armoured vehicles know...ironically so...

  3. Nice camo, markings, and scarf!

  4. Lovely looking French light tank,the crewman is great!
    Best Iain

  5. Great tank ... Thumbs up Jez

  6. That is a great tank Paul. Love the crewman. He looks as he should have a Gauloises hanging from his lip and a tiny coffee cup on the turret roof. :)

  7. Love me a French tank, especially when as well painted as this one

  8. Nice camo and markings.

    That crewman should look jaunty - isn't that a one-man turret? He would have to be a master of multi-tasking!
