Monday 1 March 2021

From MichaelD: More Renaissance Infantry (210 pts)

 Over the past few weeks I can't count the number of times I thought to myself that I should have my head examined for doing Landsknechts for a painting challenge. Next time I swear it's all going to be Republican Romans. Lay on top of it what the winter quarantine blahs have done to my attention span, and I have to admit it's a wonder I've gotten these done. And each one as much of a special snowflake as I could make them.

It's the last of my Steel Fist figures and a box of Warlord Landsknechts. The Steel Fist figures are justly ubiquitous on here, but here's my take:

Some shooters:

And then I have some Warlord pikes. While not as characterful perhaps as the Steel Fist they have the great advantage of being less cumbersome then metal figures presenting their points forward.

All told there are 42 figures (there's one odd SteelFist pikeman, you can see in the group shot above)


  1. A nice variety in colour there. I like the densely packed pikemen.

  2. Some Landsknecht insanity! Very good work. I bet it is great to have these fellows finished!

  3. Wonderful bunch of special snowflakes! (I won't tell them you called them that)

  4. fantastic Micheal, like them a lot


  5. They're great looking landsknechts, nice and dense pike blocks,lovely!
    Best Iain

  6. Maybe challenging, but definitely worth it. A lovely overally effect.
    Maybe reward yourself with five Republican Romans for every completed landsknect!

  7. From a fellow Landsknecht painting madman I share your pain - I love the warlord pike block, very characterful. Cheers Jez

  8. Great work, I too share your pain having done Italian wars stuff for a couple of challenges.

  9. Yep, I did Landsknechts a few Challenges ago and know what you're going through. Still, they look terrific and I guarantee you they will be the pride of the display case.
