Monday 5 April 2021

Please Vote for YOUR Challengers' Choice of AHPC XI

Hello Everyone!

Below are the 20 nominations for Challengers' Choice!

For those who were nominated for numerous submissions, I took the liberty to aggregate their nominations into to a single 'Body of Work' classification, with a sample collage image.

Please look through the gallery and feel free to follow the links to the original submissions.

Due to the increasing costs of SurveyMonkey, I've shifted to using a new app for conducting the voting.  It does not easily allow for single-use submissions for online polls, so in order to better control the responses I will be sending an email invitation to all participants to secure their votes. If you were an observer, and wish to participate in the selection, please send me an email: curtcampbell at mac dot com and I'll add your votes. 

On April 18th I will post up the top three selections for Challengers' Choice, along with my SnowLord's Choice and Sarah's Choice.


  1. That was tougher than I thought... I knew my number 1 but picking my next two was a real headache.

  2. All well deserving of nomination indeed! My vote has been cast!

  3. Seeing my big beastie in this list has me pretty chuffed! Congrats to all the nominees, and good luck voting. It certainly isn't easy....

  4. Congratulations to all the nominees.

  5. Yeah, that was not simple. Really just winners here. Vote cast, however.

  6. Congrats to all that were nominated. Picking a top three was very difficult.

  7. Some wonderful collections there - and not enough votes to give out!

  8. Really high standard this year, makes it all rather difficult!
    Best Iain

  9. I'm shocked and very grateful to have 2 nominations - really chuffed - thank you.
