Wednesday 25 January 2023

From TeemuL: 512S (100 points?)

512S stands for 512 Skulls, all lovingly hand painted. Black primer, then painted brown, drybrushed with flesh and washed with darker flesh. Drybrushed again with the same flesh and finally with bone. There are some other details, too, like golden doors, OSL lights, crashed Space Marine Bike etc, but we are only interested in skulls, right?

I built this piece years ago (we have lived two years in our house and assembling this wasn't the last thing I did the previous apartment) and primed - I kept the building separate and primed it black, while the base and small ruin got a Zandri dust treatment. I enlisted to the Skull Duel mainly to get this piece done. The building was sturdy enough to stay in one piece, which made the painting easier - it would have been even easier in smaller sections, though... I guess I was having a vision of some kind of a modular terrain tile system. The building itself got basically only a heavy green drybrush and couple of details picked up. The ladders are from some other set, the round hatch is from newer Kill Team ruins set and the crashed bike piece I got somewhere with other stuff, it is a cast, and the sandbags are from unknown source, too.

I was quite near the end, when I realized that the ruined dark green building looks quite strange on a brown base with no piles of rubble anywhere... But I also wanted to have it quite clean, so it is playable. I have some scatter terrain in same dark green style, so maybe I use those.

The building is from the previous (or before that) incarnation of Cityfight terrain by Games Workshop and follows no official design, I just got these pieces from somewhere and put them together in some meaningful and playable way. I wanted a largish second floor and a small balcony, which gives some area to play in the second floor and also gives some line of sight blocks in second floor. Let's see when we start our Kill Team campaign and can use this.

No skulls here

Some skulls on ladder and view to the downstairs

There should be 512 skulls, I made some double checking here and there, but the binary number sounds nice so I'll take it. There are for example 76 skulls in the "skull panel sections" and even 18 in the broken sections, couple of skulls in the lamp post and even on ladders etc.

One of the two "Skull Panels"

The whole piece is 14x11x7 inches cube which is almost exactly 5 terrain cubes, but honestly there is a lot of empty space there. I'll take the hundred points, if minion allows, but basically I did this only for the skulls.

Minion MilesR:  I think some math is in order 14x11x7 = 1,078 cubic inches.  Divide that by the holy 216 cubic inches of the sacred terrain cube and one gets - what this? 4.9907 terrain cubes and not the reported 5.  Why this is scandalous for 4.9907 is not 5 - I can only award 99.8 points for the terrain.  However, the rules also state that having more than 500 skulls does earn you 0.2 bonus points.  Funny how that works out, isn't?


  1. What a fabulous lump of scenery, Teemu. 512 skulls? Barks will be very pleased. I think we need an audit. ;)

    1. Thanks! I can arrange a Zoom meeting with Barks to count the skulls. :) It is a nice scenery and without the skull duel mihht just gather dust for several years.

  2. Great scenic piece, Teemu! :)

  3. So. Many. Skulls.... I had a model that I thought had a lot on it but this takes the cake! Great work on it!

    1. Many skulls indeed! :) GW terrain has lots of potential for Skull Duels.

  4. That’s a lot of skulls, Teemu. Great piece of terrain, I like the greenish effect!

    1. Thanks! I like the green, too. I have used it much with my stony terrain pieces, it is quite and looks nice.

  5. Skull-o-Rama. What a chunk of terrain and grinning skulls. Well done.

  6. Good piece of real estate, although I won't be living there

    1. Thanks, it is bit ruined for living. But I'm sure it was a very nice government byro some time before.

  7. Bam! That's a killer move in the skull duel!

    1. Thank you Barks, it is only 1/3 of the Challenge done, so I'm expecting some fierce competition.

  8. Thanks Miles, I wrote "almost exactly 5 cubes", but I should have been more precise. ~5 cubes would have been more scientific method. By the way, 512 is 1000000000 in binary, looks the same as my point total for this entry, give or take a zero.

  9. So many skulls... Great work here Teemu.

    1. Thanks Peter, there were many skulls, so many skulls...

  10. That is a great piece, I must get around to some scenery

