Wednesday 25 January 2023

From FrederickC - Warg Attack - The Director's Cut (130 points)

 This week's submission is a collection of more Lord of the Rings miniatures from Games Workshop consisting of the 'Warg Attack' boxed set, a set of plastic Warg Riders, a Wild Warg Chieftain (and his victim), and Gimli and Legolas from the 'Heroes of the West' boxed set. I apologize for the fuzziness of the photos, but I had to shift my photo booth to a new location this year, and I am having difficulty getting my camera to focus on the figures rather than the background.

Warg Attack - The Director's Cut

 The 'War Attack' boxed set consists of five metal multipart mounted figures of Aragorn, Théoden, and three warg riders. They all fit together fairly well without needing to resort of epoxy putty to fill in any gaps. Once assembled, they were mounted on their bases, sand was glued glued to the base with PVA, and the figures were then primed black with an airbrush. They were painted primarily with Vallejo acrylics and Citadel washes. The three warg riders were given a coat of Army Painter Strong Tone Quickshade instead of the washes. 

'Warg Attack' boxed set

Théoden and Aragorn

Théoden and Aragorn (flip side)

Warg Riders with spear, bow and sword


Warg Riders (flip side)

  Next is a box of six plastic War Riders that I got second hand. They had been 'rode hard and put away wet'. The previous owner had assembled the miniatures and given them 'all the bells and whistles', so the riders wielding a sword also got a bow and quiver, and the bowmen got a shield and a sword slung on their backs. The spearmen were assembled with their spears pointing straight up, and the shields were glued on so low that it interfered with seating the rider on the warg correctly. They also got the heavy silver paint treatment. Part of a lower hind leg was missing from one of the wargs, and I had to sculpt a replacement using some floral wire and epoxy putty. I used some 2-propanol and a stiff toothbrush to clean off as much of the excess paint as I could before priming them black with a rattle can. I had painted a box of Warg Riders two years ago, and these were painted in a similar fashion.


6 refurbished plastic Warg Riders

6 refurbished plastic Warg Riders (flip side)

 The Wild Warg Chieftain is a multipart metal figure which includes a slain Rider of Rohan. This came with the second hand Warg Riders, and it was not a miniature that I had in my collection already. The Warg Chieftain was loose from its base, so it was easy to clean off the old paint by soaking it overnight in 'Simple Green' and then scrubbing it with a stiff toothbrush. It was prepped and painted in the same manner as the other wargs with Vallejo acrylics, followed by a coat of Army Painter Strong Tone Quickshade. The slain rider was painted after applying the Quickshade.


Wild Warg Chieftain (with victim)

Wild Warg Chieftain (flip side)

 Lastly we have Gimli and Legolas from the 'Heroes of the West' boxed set which contains Aragorn, Gandalf, Faramir, Éomer, Éowyn , Legolas, Gimli, Merry and Pippin from The Return of the King.I have already painted four of the nine figures, and a few more may appear later in the Challenge. These two heroes were painted in the same colours as the 'Ambush at Amon Hen' set I painted at the start of the January. I think I now have four different sculpts for each of these two characters.

Gimli and Legolas

Gimli and Legolas

The points being claimed are as follows:

2 x 28mm figures @ 5 points each = 10 points

12 x 28mm mounted figures @ 10 points each = 120 points

(I am counting the Warg Chieftain and his victim as equivalent to a mounted figure.)

 Thanks for stopping by. It looks like we are headed to Helm's Deep next.

Minion MilesR: I've always loved the GW LOTR stuff and you've done a wonderful job with these.  Hold on gang Frederick isn't done yet....


  1. Fantastic submission on one of my favourite sagas!

    1. Thanks, Benito. Glad you like it. More epic moments are in the queue.

  2. These are great. I love the dynamic poses on the wargs. Such a memorable scene.

    1. Thanks, Peter. Their snarling faces do look menacing.

  3. Great job Frederick. I had forgotten there was this classic alternate King Theoden figure out great.

    1. Thanks, Greg. I have another two versions of Théoden in the queue. It is interesting that they all portray him as left-handed, since Bernard Hill, who portrayed him in the movies, is left-handed.

    2. Yeah, they had to make all the minis look-a-likes to the movie. :)

  4. that's a great submission Fred

    1. Thanks, Kerry. It was fun to find a collection of miniatures that fit together thematically, rather than the 'Bits and Bobs' post I did last week.

  5. Excellent looking Wargs, lots of Lotr this challenge, which is nice to see, good work on your restoration project too!
    Best Iain

  6. Great work Frederick. Love the warg Chieftain. Reminds me that I need some more wargs...

    1. Thanks, Curt. The scenario description in the 'War in Rohan' campaign book calls for Sharku on a warg, an Orc captain on a warg, and 18 more warg riders. I need six more!

  7. Good stuff, Frederik! Sorry that the focus is bit off, would have been better photos of these beauties.

    1. Thanks, Teemu. I may try to redo the photos, and if they work out better, I will update this submission.

    2. Hi Teemu. I switched cameras, and redid the pics. Hopefully these are a sufficient improvement over the original ones I took. :^)

  8. That's some damn fine painting!

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks, Kyle. I am quite happy with the results, especially on the refurbished plastic warg riders. They looked pretty sad when I first got them.

  10. Very fine job, Frederick! I particularly like your Theoden and the warg with the slain rider, well done.

    1. Thank you, Martijn. I think the warg chieftain was the most fun to paint of this group of miniatures with all those 'nasty, big, pointy teeth'.

  11. Great stuff this LOTR saga. Fabulous brush skills. Fun rendition. Well done.

  12. Replies
    1. Thanks, Peter. They are fun miniatures to paint with all their 'nasty, big, pointy teeth'. ;^)

  13. Very nice, that's a good broadside weight of metal you've got there!

    1. Thanks, Barks. That Wild Warg Chieftain is definitely the heaviest of the lot as the warg and the rock with slain Rohirrim are all metal. Thankfully the rock is hollow.

  14. Nicely done Frederic, love the wargs

  15. Superb Frederick, they are great


    1. Thanks, Matt. More LotR coming your way today.
