Wednesday 25 January 2023

From MilesR: Its Wednesday - Stand Back and Prepare to be AWESTRUCK


First off, Gus says Hi and wanted to convey that he thinks all of you are doing very good work this challenge and that each of you deserve a dog biscuit.  He also thinks you could do even better if you gave those biscuits to him.  Gus is kind of sneaky that way.

As of this morning we have 8 submissions from 7 Challengers and the quality is superb.  Some of the highlights:

- A Viking that's more art than mini

- a plethora of LOTR stuff

- some 40k goodness

- a Tower with Billy and Odo

- A dragon with fungus issues

- Italian Weapons

- a gratuitous mention of Ravensfeast

- skulls, skulls, skulls....

- and a plea for mercy to include points for a forgotten studio (heh, heh "mercy", I will need educate this individual on how I feel about "mercy"

Buckle Up - it's going to be a GREAT DAY

Gus reminded me to remind you not to forget about his secondary point re: dog biscuits


  1. Gus is adorable. Tell him he can have my entire ration of dog biscuits and not just for bribery.

  2. Awww, he's such a sweetie - go on, then, give him my biscuit! :)

  3. Have a good day Miles, you and Gus both deserve bikkies.

  4. Woof! Woof! Gus is such a good boy. Miles, on the other hand...

  5. Gus and Loki make a fine pair. Biscuits for the house.
