Tuesday 24 January 2023

Tamsin's Tuesday Tidings


"Good morning Ladies, Gentlemen...and Ray!Well, it's been a bumper week for releases at AHPC Studios GmbH. We've seen 66 new films hit the screen, grossing $8,511 million taking our total gross so far to $29,149 million. What's that? You want to know the net profits, what your cut is and when you'll see it in your bank account? Well, I'm afraid I don't have those figures and will have to refer your query to Miles, our Chief financial Officer - I'm sure he'll let us know in due course."

"We've also seen another 10 apprentices make their directorial or producing debuts this week, just in time to be allowed to continue with their apprenticeships. Sadly, that means that two people haven't survived the cut - Security are searching for them right now to revoke their Green zone passes and unceremoniously eject them from the studio lot."

"There's a good crop of new films to be released today:

  • PeteF "books" in with a sequel to his previous Harryhausen skeletons tribute
  • KerryT takes a shot at a renaissance era Swiss movie
  • MartinC has combined a series of short films into one longer film
  • SimonG has a strange film involving centaurs and Romans that will have you all scratching your noggins wondering what that was all about
  • IanS has part 2 of his documentary on Russian nappies
  • AlanD brings us "Parsnips and Partizans" (best not to ask...)

There should also be an architectural documentary from DaveD, and MattW may have a film about that dangers of flying while under the influence of narcotics."

"Well, that's it from me for today."




  1. Have a great day and thanks once again for taking care of Tuesday's submissions

    1. You guys make things so easy for me...mostly! :)

  2. Looks a busy day from the Tuesday Terrors and Martin

    1. Not as many posts as some weeks, but still enough to keep me busy! :)

  3. Thanks again Tasmin, I did not finish my high adventure entry as I have misplaced the transfers…….oh well next week
