Tuesday 28 February 2023

From PeteF: Charlie Don't Surf (on the Casting Couch) (25 points)


It's been a tough couple of weeks for hobbying - a family wedding took me back to the old country and I was assured there was not enough room in my luggage for paints. I've also had to put some time into a model I started before the challenge (see below) which I'll need for a tournament at the end of the month.

Nevertheless - I had time this weekend to get to work on Lt Colonel Kilgore.  The model is from the Wargames Illustrated Giants In Miniature series.  I was ordering from North Star as the challenge started and had to have this one for the movie theme.

Vietnam war gaming is a little too modern for me so he likely won't be seeing action in that conflict - maybe there'll be a place for him in a Death Fields game when Wargames Atlantic finally publish the rules.

He was a lot of fun to paint - but it brought to mind a lot of the movie - not just "that gasoline smell..." but Captain Willard's whole journey.  

One 28mm foot figure for 5 points plus 20 for the Casting Couch. No skullz or squirrels.

Speaking of squirrels - this is Bill Kilgore next to a giant that distracted me this weekend.  I've been working on him since October - or was it August?  Nearly ready for the table but sadly not eligible for Challenge Points!

That's a great figure, Pete! As for the giant, it could count for the "Under Construction" studio, even if only for the studio bonus points.



  1. I love the smell of Napalm in the morning - I approve !

  2. Lovely Apocalyptic figure!
    Best Iain

  3. Welcome home and wonderful brushwork, Pete. As Tamsin says, put that big boy in for 'Under Construction'.

  4. Classic figure Pete, nicely painted


  5. Nice work, Pete! Duvall looks great in miniature....that giant beter run when he hears the music! ;)

  6. Brilliant, I'd echo Tamsin and love to see the giant finished

  7. fantastic figure and how awesome is the giant

  8. Smells like... victory.

    Someday this Challenge is gonna end...
