Monday 13 March 2023

From EdwardG - A final Fantasy Book stop for Challenge XIII (208 pts)

 Hello all,

As we are fast approaching the end of the challenge, I am going to be conservative and say this is the last post from me this year! Although I am already think what should be my project for next year :D and it might be Turnip flavoured (I am always behind the Zeitgeist curve ;) )  

For my final few weeks of painting, my "OOOoH Shiny" urge has gotten the better of me. Rather than concentrating on my 6mm Waterloo project, I focused on painting up the other packs of 10mm minis that I had purchased with the ones from the previous post!

In an effort to maintain a small possibility of playing with the minis one day, I have based the majority along HOTT/DBA lines. My little gaming group does occasionally play HOTT and up until now I have had no minis, and despite the fact we normally play in 15mm, these chaps will work. The basing scheme has been done, on the small potential assumption that everyone is underground, perhaps in a mine...

In addition I am hoping that this entry will allow me to tick off two more studios, in the form of Fantasy and Books.

Without any further ado, I present: The goblin horde and the Nine Good Fellows standing in the way!!

For the Fantasy studio, I would like to claim the Goblin Horde. It contains some fast wolf riders including the Goblin's war-chief on his black wolf! An uncountable number (90) of massed goblins with sharp pointy things. And finally the heavy hitters, a band of cave trolls, because, you know, all self respecting Goblin armies have to have a cave troll or two!

For the Nine Good Fellows, one might even call them a Fellowship if you are feeling fancy. I would like to claim the Books  studio. This does mean back-tracking through the film studios I have already visited, so I am not sure if it is even possible. But these chaps bear an uncanny resemblance to a cast from a recent book adaptation by Peter Jackson (not in any copywrite infringing way though, honest!!)

And the point tally for this final post comes to:
  • 11 wolf riders x 3pts = 33pts
  • 90 little goblins on foot x 1pt (PBI!) = 90pts
  • 9 cave trolls (20mm tall) x 4pts = 36pts
  • 9 Good Fellows x 1pt = 9pts
  • Fantasy Studio bonus = 20pts
  • Book Studio bonus = 20pts
Total = 208pts

As always a HUGE thanks to the Snow Lord himself for running this Challenge. Also to Peter my Monday minion for being a brilliant chap and a great organiser of posts! And then thanks and best wishes to all who take part, read, lurk, or just support us Challengers while we undertake this annual effort and exercising! 

Cannot wait to see you all for the post Challenge wrap up photoshoot! :)


P.s. (At the time of writing this post we had ~21,000pts to go to hit the 91,000 stretch goal! I believe our plucky band of brush addicts can make in the remaining seven days [only 3056pts per-day]! A couple of juicy points bombs will do it! Go GO!)

Those 10mm fantasy figures are great Ed, love the movement on the wolf riders and the gallant band of 9.  It's been great to have you on the Monday crew, I've enjoyed your 6mm and 10mm work.    I have faith in some huge paintbombs this week and Challengers pull out all the stops to get large projects finished in time.


  1. Very inspiring these small scale models. Great work.

  2. Oh man, these look awesome Ed. I love the Copplestone 10mm range and you've done them proud here. Well done.

  3. Nice work, Ed! That is a wonderful goblin horde! I like the color cues on the for the infantry and the riders are impressive for their scale. I think they need some more goblins to tangle with the 9 though!

  4. Very cool. I've been tempted by these for some time and you're not helping!

  5. Splendid work, Ed, I love your little fellowship!
