Sunday 28 January 2024

From Codsticker: Bloody Miniatures - The King's Men and The Parliament Men (40 pts)

In a break from my established pattern of featuring 4 Bloody Miniatures, here I present 8! The last two packs from wave 3 released in April 2022; BM 015 All The King's Men:

And BM 016 the Parliament Men:

As you would expect the King's Men includes  a young dandy, who probably spends a lot more time posing with his sword than swinging it in anger:

As well as an older Gentlemen who prefers to observe the martial goings on with a nice goblet of claret:

Not everyone is some genteel poseur; there is also a staunch monarchist who has, perhaps, served with Prince Rupert on the continent:

And the seasoned veteran; a swordsman by trade:

Pack BM 016, The Parliament Men, are not foppish. They are dressed in sensible attire, suitable for the seriousness of their task. Here we have a hard-nosed urban merchant, tired of paying his majesty's tax, especially that offensive Ship Money!

An agent of Parliament, probably a puritan judging by his stern countenance:

A battle-worn and committed officer of foot, willing to follow his general all over the three kingdoms:

This east Anglian farmer would prefer to stay home but someone has to save the King from his papist advisors and their conspiring ways:

That is 8 28 mm minis, at 5 points apiece, is a total of 40 points. If  I can manage a couple of entries a month featuring 8 figures I may be able to make up for my slow start.

Great work here mate. Again loving the work you are putting into these models. Each having its own character here, and still fitting into the genre so easily. Will be quite the sight with them all laid out on the table I am sure!

40 pts for you!



  1. Really nice looking figures, and well displayed too.

  2. These are so nice, very nice clean painting and colourful

  3. Wonderful brushwork Rob! Love the background terrain too!

  4. Beautiful work and photography!

  5. Really loving this project. So much character, especially with the posed pictures.

  6. Wonderful work Rob. Your colour choices are lovely.

  7. Fantastic work Rob on some truly wonderful miniatures. Observing it all with some claret is absolutely the best way.

  8. Nice work, your ECW stuff is always so good

  9. First of all those minis look great. Second, you have painted them very well. Third, the terrain on the photos is stunning. Fourth, I'm tempted to buy those minis...

  10. Teemu stole my words XD ... Nice post!

  11. Thank you everyone for the kind remarks- very encouraging and inspiring.

  12. Very well done and taking all my willpower not to order as I see your project grow.
