Sunday 28 January 2024

From Rhunt - Rebel Troopers (168 pts)

This week's entry is Star Wars Legion Rebels from Atomic Mass Games. I recently started playing Rebels, like my dad. I was playing clones but they didn't really fit my play style. The rebels seem to be better.

24 Rebel Troopers. Ready to die gloriously and loudly for the Rebellion.

I painted these in a desert camouflage pattern. There is one Pathfinder in here as well. These are really cheap troops so they are great for filling the 3 core slots you have to take or for carrying heal-bots or special weapons. They die very fast though.

The same from the other side.

I only have two pictures because my dad has the flue and he said to tell you all that he's mailing it in this week. I think that means he's being lazy since he doesn't feel good.

This is 24 x 32mm models at seven points each = 168 pts.

Rhys.. wow! Amazing work here! Love me some Star Wars Legion models, and these are fantastic! And we can see you took the basing comment into consideration, as they look so well uniformed, and fit so nicely together here. Great job here!

Am sure you will enjoy playing rebels over Clones. A bit more straightforward force to play with, and their core are quite good overall. More so when painted up like you have done here. 

And goes without saying that this powerbomb of a points drop is the best way to round out the Sunday crew here. Thanks for the post today!

168 pts for you. 



  1. That desert scheme works well!

  2. A super rebel troupe. Like the desert camo and basing

  3. Great looking rebels! Not sure how useful desert camo is to you if you have a bright blue head though :-P

  4. Nice work on your troopers.

  5. Well done Rhys, they look great

  6. They look great! Your painting style seems to work very well on these and the basing looks good.

  7. Nice work! As a long-time SW devotee, sorely tempted to jump into that wagon, but resisting hard

  8. Excellent rebels and the desert basing is great.

  9. the Force is strong with this one!
