Wednesday 28 February 2024

From DaveD - Back to the ‘Nam (115 points)

Ok as I said before , most of my collections are getting some love this  year. The ‘Nam top up for the season is 3xM60 teams , 3xmortar teams , a 50 cal for the fire base set up  , and a couple of singleton figures I missed when I did last years top up, 

All of the figures are by my manufacturer of choice for Nam - “Gringo40s” thought they are of course 28’s . Ged from there just keeps releasing great miniatures that even if I don’t  need I actually really , really just want - hell you know the way….

This completes a top up for my Marines for thus . year 

3 M60 teams and a 50cal 

3 81mm Mortar teams 

A couple of extra grunts .

All the sandbags for the 50 cal base are hand made from milliput - that killed and hour or two! 

And here they are added to all the previous USMC fire support completed over previous challenges.

Lots of bang for your boom! 

15 x 28mm figures = 75

3 Mortars, and Crew served Weapon the 50 cal = 40 points 

Total 115 

This should take me to my challenge target - Huzzah!  And to add to the modern things challenge , I have one other significant entry planned before challenge end , after that I am back on with 10mm Old Guard commission.


"Miniatures that I don't need, but I just want" - that is the basis for like 98% of my collection, and I am sure is the same for many others. Great painting here as usual Dave, matched by a huge pace of output. These fellows certainly look ready to fight their way into/toward Hue, or the Ia Drang, or even hold out at Khe Sanh!

115 points for you!



  1. Beautiful work Dave with these 'top-ups'. The figures are all terrific but I also always admire the red soil groundwork that seemed so prevalent in the colour newscasts of the war. Excellent stuff.

    1. Cheers . The Vietnam red earth was theme I wanted to follow for the collection. It’s actually Terracota Milliput which is just the right colour with a highlight of Desert sand - Vallejo Red Leather for base edges , and AK Vietnam Earth pigment for any dustiness !

  2. These are excellent Dave. I too love the red earth look you have created. Well done.

  3. Excellent work Dave. The basework looks just like the photos from Life Magazine that traumatized me in the Dentists waiting room.

  4. An excellent top off for your Nam forces. Miniatures that I just want... sounds very familiar.

  5. Splendid Vietnam war figures, buying figures we don't need is just normal isn't it?
    Best Iain

    1. Cheers - and yes I think it’s very normal

  6. I like the spent casings and the Marlboro pack!

    1. It’s the little things that make the difference !

  7. Excellent mate, they look the business

  8. Superb Dave, its always good to see you go back to Vietnam

  9. Some very usefull additions to your Nam forces Dave!
