Wednesday 28 February 2024

From JP - More 28mm Pathans (50 Points)

As I slowly chew through my collection, I now have 100+ foot Pathans painted and maybe 80 to go...

These are Foundry again, I just can't get enough of these.

And the next 5:

And I'll try for a close up:

I go for a very campaign look. All colours are a bit washed out and dirty, I use a lot of greys, browns, faded blues with a few exceptions and some highlights on turbans and sashes. 


10 x 28mm        = 50 points

Maybe a break into fantasy or my Early Germanics next... who knows?


UPDATE - Apologies JP - I forgot to add my comments - not that they are all that valuable, or valuable at all, but still - bad form on my part!

Great work on these warriors - your "campaign look" is spot on, and know that I will be trying to copy some of this look when it comes time to paint the next batch of tribal warriors in my own project for this setting. In particular, I would love to hear more about how you approach painting the skin tones for the Pathans - maybe you can share next time?

And as my friend Dallas has some "Early Germanics" under way himself, if you would be great to see more of those too! 

50 points, well done!



  1. Excellent. You and Greg are pushing me towards my box of Wargames Atlantic warriors. Well done.

  2. Good work, I like the washed outlook!

  3. I do like the muted palette.

    1. Most kind. I am a huge believer in field worn colours, even with fantasy.

  4. the figures are great, I think by the end of the challenge there will be a few of us making purchases

    1. Thanks! I have moved over the years to large scale skirmishes from the large armies I cut my teeth on.

  5. Great work JP. Love those venerable Foundry models.

  6. Those are really nice. Love those Foundry sculpts, but I’m old enough that I th8nk of them as “new”.

    1. Makes two of us. I go back to Minifig days in Southampton, when it first opened...

  7. Really nice painting. I'm also a fan of it metal over the plastic minis when I can get them!

    1. It's all just different. I enjoy assembling the plastics, but miss the heft and style of metals. So, I prefer metals.

  8. Foundry make some great sculpts. These are cool

  9. These look great! Foundry are so good, and I love your painting. Well done!
