Friday, 21 February 2025

From AdamW: 15mm Chinese rocket battery (The Inconstant) (66pts)

A quick last minute entry for this week.

 After a long time in hell I have finally reached paradise!  Some rapid painting and basing and I present my entry for the first Sphere, the Inconstant, something which may try its best but often falls a bit short.

For this I present a battery of Chinese rockets in 15mm.  Throughout history rockets always seem to be fairly erratic and inconstant in their accuracy, so they seemed a good subject.

In our rules we usually make them less accurate than other artillery, but more deadly if they hit.

The rockets and most of the figures are Museum miniatures, with three Lancashire games figures added for variety. 

Points claim

15 x 15mm crew @2pts = 30pts
4 x artillery pieces @4pts = 16pts
Inconstant bonus @20pts = 20pts

Total 66pts

A very fitting subject for The Inconstant, Adam! They are very nice models, and you did a great job on them. Now let's just hope they will not backfire too much... 66 more points to you.



  1. That's an absolutely Whiz-bang set of whiz-bangs!

  2. Excellent erratic post. Rockets away, and that way, and that way...

  3. Very colorful, Adam! I have to say rocket troops are definitely a worthy applicant for inconstant...and quite the hazard for the crew!

  4. Chinese rockets! - excellent stuff nicely modelled and painted
