Friday, 21 February 2025

From AdamW: A load of old junk (15mm) ( 300 points)

 I was AWOL last week and didn't even log on to the blog. I also shelved all my planned painting for the challenge circles. Maybe it was real life that got in the way, or the excitement of finishing the circles of heaven ad finally reaching heaven :)

One of our wargaming group is planning on putting on a game involving Chinese pirates. In the past I have made about half a dozen Chinese junks, in all shapes and sizes. I had a few bits of models left over and  I thought that this was a good excuse to paint them up.

So a rummage in the loft yielded two battered and broken partly assembled kits and a novelty dragon boat, or as I like to think of it, a treasure ship. After some repairs and the addition of some wooden barrels etc I had them ready to paint.

For the crew I had a pile of 15mm boxer rebellion figures from Lancashire games.  These are nicely detailed and expressive sculpts, but are huge in comparison with any other 15mm or 18mm figures. They are almost 20mm and very chunky. I kept them with the intention of using them on ships one day.

I also had some more normally sized figures that I have made up into an oriental pirate/peasant unit. These were an ebay purchase so I have no idea of manufacturer.

I also had a nice pile of guns from Outpost Minatures (now defunct?) which I also added to the mix.

Much feverish gluing and painting later, we have a nice pile ready for the table.

So to the points. I propose the following. The crew and guns is simple enough, and for the ships I have based on the points awarded for my recent ww1 ships. Feel free to change them! 

Unit of pirates - 18 x 15mm foot@2pts = 36pts

Orange junk 

 One 10 inch model junk @ 40pts 

20 crew x 15mm foot@2pts = 40pts

5 artillery pieces @4pts = 20pts

Total 100pts

Brown junk

 One 10 inch model junk @ 40pts 

15 crew x 15mm foot@2pts = 30pts

6 artillery pieces @4pts = 24pts

Total 94pts

Dragon ship

One 9 inch model ship @ 30pts 40 points

11 crew x 15mm foot@2pts = 22pts

Total 52 pts

 Grand total  282 pts 292 300

AWOL? Well, back with a vengeance I say! More excellent work, and a nice, a little less usual subject to boot. I really love the ships, Adam, I think you did sterling work getting them renovated and painted up, they look smashing. The Boxers look very fine too, with their colourful tunics. All in all, a very nice contribution. Your mathematics are OK, but I see no reason to have one inch of boat making much of a difference, so let's score all three ships at 40 points, and as I like round numbers, and in recognition of your salvaging work, I'll round it up to 300 points. Well done!




  1. NIce rummaging finds! Love the boat.

    1. Thanks. I remember it was hard work tracking down the kits orginally. Any out of production kit oftens command a premium price :(

  2. Love the Junks. Pirate games are always fun and colorful.

    1. Yes, and I do have some fabulous junks I did before. Looking forward to the game.

  3. Love the Junks; I am scratch building one now for the LAF Build Something Contest.

    1. Great stuff. There has alwasy been a relatively small number of models about. Will you get them done in time for this challenge too? Would love to see your work.

  4. Replies
    1. Thankyou. Does sound like a contradiction though! :)

  5. Oooo, the junks/ships. Very thematic and love the idea.

    1. Thanks Bruce. The 19th-20th Century Chinese period is really colourful.

  6. Thanks Martijn, I only just realised I didn't actually add and might be a job to do after the game.

  7. Lovey work, Adam! Those boxers look grand repurposed as pirates and the ships are as vibrant in color as I would expect! Wonderful spelunking through the mountain of neglect!

  8. As you say a load of old junk - junks are great as are the figures - like your style
